1. My firm filed with the Advertising Regulation Department a retail communication that promotes or recommends a private placement subject to the filing requirements of FINRA Rules 5122 or 5123. Do we now need to file the same communication with the Corporate Financing Department?
A. No. A firm that has filed a retail communication with the Advertising Regulation Department will be deemed to
Senior ManagementLegal & ComplianceOperationsSystems
Executive Summary
The NASD urges members to take immediate action to ensure the accuracy and completeness of trading data submitted through the NASD's electronic blue sheet system in response to regulatory inquiries. The NASD has become concerned that the quality of submissions by members is not at
FINRA is publishing its quarterly OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List for the second quarter of 2023. This updated list of OTC equity securities eligible for trade report dissemination for trades of fewer than 100 shares is effective as of September 22, 2023. To view changes, visit the Daily List: Security Attribute Changes page, select the “Unit of Trades” filter and enter September 21,
In observance of Memorial Day, FINRA’s Market Transparency Reporting Systems will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023. Affected applications include:
Alternative Display Facility (ADF)
Over-the-Counter Reporting Facility (ORF)
Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)
FINRA/Exchange Trade Reporting Facilities (TRFs)
As stated in the data feed interface specifications, FINRA
Updates from the March 2020 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.
• Confidentiality Agreements—Settling With Customer in Exchange for Customer Agreement Not to Cooperate With Regulatory Authorities
• Failure to Respond, Failure to Respond Truthfully or in a Timely Manner, or Providing a Partial but Incomplete Response to Requests Made Pursuant to FINRA Rule 8210
• Settling Customer Complaints
• Confidentiality Agreements—Settling With Customer in Exchange for Customer Agreement Not to Cooperate With Regulatory Authorities
• Failure to Respond, Failure to Respond Truthfully or in a Timely Manner, or Providing a Partial but Incomplete Response to Requests Made Pursuant to FINRA Rule 8210
• Settling Customer Complaints
(a) Participation Requirements
(1) Only members of FINRA in good standing may participate in the FINRA/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility.
(2) Participation in the System shall be conditioned upon the initial and continuing compliance with the following requirements:
(A) execution of, and continuing compliance with, a Participant Application Agreement;
(B) membership in, or maintenance of an
Regulators Providing Free Training in Recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day; Program Aims to Assist Firms in Implementing Requirements of Senior Safe Act
WASHINGTON—In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA)
(a) Events Requiring Application
A member shall file an application for approval of any of the following changes to its ownership, control, or business operations:
(1) a merger of the member with another member, unless both are members of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. or the surviving entity will continue to be a member of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.;
(2) a direct or indirect