Beginning May 15, 2023, the following FINRA TRACE rules changes will take effect:
1. Members must report transactions in TRACE-eligible Corporate debt securities which are part of a portfolio trade with an appropriate modifier. The Sale Condition 4 modifier, available via the TRAQS secure web browser and the TRACE FIX protocol (Tag 22004), will be available for this designation, as described in
There will be a traffic interruption in fileX service in CT and PROD environment for duration below. Users can re-establish connection and resume file transfers after the maintenance window.
CT and PROD: Tuesday January 31, 2023 from 7 p.m to 8 p.m
Contact FINRA Support Center (800) 321-6273, or by email, if you have any questions.
A self-directed individual retirement account (IRA) is an IRA held by a custodian that allows investment in a broader set of assets than most IRA custodians permit. Custodians for self-directed IRAs may allow investors to invest retirement funds in “alternative assets” that have unique risks, including a lack of information and liquidity—and the risk of fraud.
Currently, users attempting to submit a TRACE or Over the Counter Reporting Facility (ORF) form may incur an error. Users may also have issues accessing Participant Data Management.
Firms should contact FINRA Market Operations or call (866) 776-0800 with questions or for assistance in setting up new issues. FINRA will advise when this issue has been resolved.
Options are complex instruments that can play a number of different roles within an investment portfolio, but buying and selling options can be risky, and trading the products requires specific approval from an investor’s brokerage firm. Equity options are derivative contracts that give the purchaser the right, and the seller the obligation, to buy or sell, a security at a fixed price within a specific period of time.