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Form CMA is organized by 14 standards for admission as set forth under Rule 1014(a) and specifies the documents and information required to support each standard. The items listed in this checklist are also organized by standard and focus on the standards and their related documentation and information that an applicant may inadvertently overlook when submitting the application. Firms should treat this checklist as a starting point for preparing Form CMA. Firms are advised to review the rules applicable to a CMA, including Rules 1014 and 1017, together with Form CMA. During the course of the review process, FINRA may request additional documents and information as necessary to render a decision on the application.
Firm regulatory risks and priorities don't exist in a vacuum. And that is perhaps nowhere clearer than when it comes to a firm's anti-money laundering responsibilities. A firm's AML risks can overlap with any number of other priorities. On this episode, the first of a two-part series, we look at the overlapping risks of AML and cybersecurity.
The Treasury Aggregate Statistics provide trading volume in U.S. Treasury Securities reported by FINRA Members to TRACE for the prior week. The reports have been published since March 2020. In the next few weeks, FINRA will publish the following:
On May 4, 2021, FINRA will publish historical weekly reports from January 2019 through the launch of the report in March 2020. The data will be
All reports should be consolidated for all markets in one location where it is easily accessible to all investors. FTDs should be reported daily and should be required to be cleared within a a T3 timeline without exception. Short positions and changes to those positions should be reported daily and that information should be made available to all investors no later than the next business day
(a) Pursuant to the Rule 9600 Series, the staff for good cause shown after taking into consideration all relevant factors, may exempt, upon application and subject to specified terms and conditions, a member alternative trading system ("ATS") from the trade reporting obligation under paragraph (b) of Rules 6282, 6380A and 6380B, if such exemption is consistent with the
Fair Play. I don’t think a hedge fund should be involve in market maker ( conflict of interest) . Privilege to have first hand information. Short positions must be disclosed. Media should be regulated, they are not financial advisor. They can’t tell people what to buy or what to forget. And the most important. Laws and rules must be followed. Institutions must act accordingly , the employees of
From cryptocurrency to NFTs and other options beyond your 401(k), choosing the right investments to meet your financial goals can feel overwhelming.
In observation of the Thanksgiving holiday, the FINRA Alternative Display Facility (ADF) will be closed on Thursday, November 23, 2023.Please be advised that the ADF will close early on Friday, November 24, 2023. See the table below for a schedule of modified hours. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact FINRA Operations at (866) 776-0800 if you have any questions.Market
In observation of the Thanksgiving holiday, the ORF System will be closed on Thursday, November 23, 2023. Please be advised that the ORF system will close early on Friday, November 24, 2023 at 1 p.m., E.T. See the table below for a schedule of modified hours. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact FINRA Operations at (866) 776-0800 if you have any questions.Market