I have been engaged in the market for over 40 years. I utilize leveraged and inverse funds in a deliberative and judicious manner to balance my portfolio. I find it insulting that the proposed over-reaching regulations posted years after I have made my careful financial plans would severely penalize me in my retirement years.
I should be able to control my investments fully not regulators; we shouldn't have to go through any tests; leveraged and inverse funds are critical to my portfolio
Dear FINRA, I oppose any attempt on your part to limit restrict or eliminate my ability to invest in inverse or reverse or leveraged ETFs. I use these instruments to hedge my portfolio position from time to time. I have already acknowledged with Fidelity, my broker, that I understand the risks inherent with these instruments, that is enough. Craig Watel
I oppose any restrictions on leveraged ETFs, crypto . They should not be based on someones incomes.
Given that our government continues to promote low interest rate environments where elder savers are punished, inverse etfs are an excellent tool to hedge income based stock portfolios. Instead of focusing on singular market events to evaluate etf tracking error, the government should endeavor to actually study long term inverse etf tracking error and counter party risk. Leveraged etfs are
I implore you to back off from your intended severe regulations for buyers of leveraged and inverse funds. We simply don't yet any more layers & layers of investment-regulations.
I do not need you to amke decisions for me on any funds I may be an owner of.
It makes no sense to me for regulators to restrict access to leveraged and inverse funds to accredited investors. I am an accredited investor for many purposes but earlier in my investing career, I was well aware of the risks of leverage but because such funds were rare, I was unable to access them without incurring substantial margin debt. Similarly, investors need access to inverse funds when
These products are very valuable to my personal investing and hedging. I know the risks very well as a former RIA. Please leave these products.