People should have the ability to protect themselves in cases of market downturns. People understand insurance against unforeseen events. A market downturn just when you need your money is a serious event. People need to be able to buy protection against that. Also, there is plenty of information made available to investors about these funds. The average investor should understand it well enough
Please do not put special restrictions and requirements on select inverters.
Everyone should have equal access to investing. Allowing only select inverters to invest in all available in vestments creates a special class of society that have opportunity to hoard all the wealth and leave everyone else lacking. There is too much inequities now. Let's not make it worse by
Dear FINRA, I am dismayed to hear of your plans to impose restrictions on the types of public investments that I can invest in. I am an adult and you are not my parents. I am capable of making my own decisions about what I buy and understanding what I buy. Even if I weren't, it is still wrong for regulators to try and decide who is able to participate and who is not. I urge you to
I am concerned about potential regulations that would limit access to leveraged and inverse funds especially for small investors. I find these funds useful to hedge my portfolio while preserving cash. They are a useful risk management instrument when used appropriately. Rather than place burdensome restrictions on investors, FINRA might consider requiring more transparency from companies issuing
I have been successfully managing my investments for decades. Leveraged and inverse funds have been an effective tool for me, especially in this volatile environment. I would have been at a disadvantage if I was not able to use these tools as hedges especially for my long positions that I have held for years, and which would cause an expensive tax event if I had to sell them. I hope that FINRA
February 1, 2001The first quarter 2001 software release for OATS contains two enhancements that will significantly affect NASD member firms, service bureaus, and clearing firms.The first enhancement is to empower member firms with the ability to control who submits order data on their behalf. OATS will give member firms the ability to set up reporting relationships with their Order Sending
How about you guys make sure everyone is square about ethics and close politicians loopholes first. Nancy Pelosi and her husband are better investors than Warren Buffet. Having over 60% returns where Warren has never gotten over 20%. You think that has something to do with their access to inside information?
Why are we being closed off from investing? Who gets to invest then? Should be open to
"Complex products" are a valuable resource for investors for diversification of investment strategy and risk mitigation that should be available to all investors. The notice tries to draw parallels between option trading and "complex products", but there is a significant difference in the level of leverage and potential financial exposure between these
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. These funds are important compositions of my portfolio. It makes investment more rewarding for many of us. Without these funds, I will have to invest in stock options instead when I want to use leverage. The restriction on my rights makes it unfair for me in comparison with investment agencies who have more resources,
I have invested in leveraged and inverse ETF products for several years. The ETF providers and the brokerage companies I have used have always provided full easy to understand information on these funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not want regulators to impose any measures to prevent me from buying and selling them or to cause me to have to