Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to amend the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes (“Customer Code”) and the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes (“Industry Code”) (together, “Codes”) to modify the current process relating to the expungement of
The Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) topic of the 2024 FINRA Annual Regulatory Oversight Report (the Report) informs member firms’ compliance programs by providing annual insights from FINRA’s ongoing regulatory operations, including (1) regulatory obligations and related considerations, (2) findings and effective practices, and (3) additional resources.
We need more accountability for short positions in the market. There is far too much collusion and conflicts of interest that are not good for our markets/economy as a whole. I hope FINRA is able to provide more accountability by passing more rules for institutions, hedge funds and big players as a whole. All information regarding our markets should be public knowledge. Short positions, volumes,
Member Facilitation Of Lending Between Customers
Comment Period Expires: February 12, 2001
Individual Investor
Legal & Compliance
Registered Representatives
Senior Management
Lending Arrangements
Executive Summary
NASD Regulation, Inc. (NASD RegulationSM) requests comment from National Association of
I’d like to voice my support for Short Interest Position Reporting Enhancements. In today’s digital market and environment, information is the most valuable resource retail investors (and others) can have to make responsible decisions with their finances. More frequent and accurate reporting are important… as well as penalties for non-reporting that are MORE punitive than the potential gain from
Options Trading Activity, Demographic Changes for FINRA-Registered Representatives Among New Data Available in this Year’s Snapshot
WASHINGTON – FINRA today published the 2023 Industry Snapshot, the annual statistical report on registered representatives, brokerage firms, and market activity that FINRA oversees. This year’s edition adds new data about options trading activity, and
Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms describing outcomes from the June 2020 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.
This is written to voice opposition to the proposed FINRA Notice. As an individual investor, there is no need for such heavy-handed regulation by a government agency.
We investors have the right to decide which equities, funds, bonds, etc we want to buy and sell -- this should not change. Yes, clear information needs to be provided to us by brokers, funds, cryptocurrencies, etc.
More regulations are NOT necessary. Retail investors should be able to freely choose what to invest in. Demanding us to pass tests or going through other special processes is annoying. Restrictions on retail customer access to complex products are even worse - they are unreasonable and unfair. As a leveraged fund investor, I always read through the information and assess risks before making an
Being that corporate America has a grasp on the stock market and can manipulate it and you as a politician can get insiders information as to what laws are passing and what PACs entice you where to vote by way of tempting gifts. Crypto is the way I can increase my financial future. I serious hope you consider how you vote as this is what many individual investors who found the benefit of