I don't need a babysitter. I have more confidence in my ability to make my own financial decisions than I have in any government oversight over my investments in leveraged and inverse funds.
Please do not further limit small investors' ability to trade leveraged and inverse funds. Especially in the turbulent market of the last three years, these funds have provided my small but growing IRA with both stability and enhanced returns. As a small investor, there is no other way I could do this.
This proposal is plain stupid...an attempt to destory free maket trading and giving control to Marxist burearocrats. Please don't restrict these types of funds.
Rule should not be passed. In a capitalist market i should be free to choose my own legal investments. A regulator doesn't need to tell me which ones are right for me or which ones are risky. Put some responsibility back on the investor. I should not have to go through any special process to get approval. I use the inverse funds as a hedging strategy and important to my investment goals.
I am an American citizen, taxpayer and investor. I vehemently oppose any government restrictions of what I can invest in. It is my responsibility to determine what investments are correct for my family, not regulators. I do not need to have any special permit or passed an exam to make my decisions. I understand and have read the prospectus of the inverse and leveraged funds that I invest in. I
Stay [REDACTED] out of my life [REDACTED]. No one asked you know-it-alls to decide whether we should take certain risks or not. Mind your own business and leave us alone! Go see your kids ballgame and do something useful.
This is a very bad bill and clearly favors a certain population.
I use leveraged funds. They are important to me. No change should be made in the requirements.
As a retail investor, I am rather capable of making my own decisions in what I want to invest in. I do not need hand holding. Please do not restrict investors from investing in inverse funds. Nor should we have to jump through hoops to get permission.