Financial Reporting Relief
Regulatory Notice
Notice Type
Referenced Rules & Notices
SEC Rule 15c3-3
Suggested Routing
Capital and Accounting Staff
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Representative
Senior Management
Key Topic(s)
Customer Reserve Formula Computation
FOCUS Filing
In June 2007, FINRA (then NASD and NYSE Member Regulation)1 issued for comment proposed guidance regarding the review and supervision of electronic communications. FINRA received 16 comment letters, with a majority of commenters supporting the guidance.
Given the growth of the international prime brokerage (IPB) business, FINRA recently interviewed representatives from many of the largest prime brokerage firms to determine how this business is conducted.
In November 2007, the Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education (the Council) released the semi-annual Firm Element Advisory. The Council suggests that firms consult this guide in developing their Firm Element needs analysis.
FINRA’s training resource library includes a range of online offerings that address many of the topics that the Council has outlined in the Firm
SEC Approves a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Representation of Parties in Arbitration and Mediation
Continuing Education
Regulatory Notice
Notice Type
Key Topic(s)
Continuing EducationFirm Element
Suggested Routing
Continuing Education
Senior Management
PLEASE NOTE: On July 30, 2007, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, FINRA, began operations. FINRA was formed through the consolidation of NASD and the enforcement, member
Personnel Background Investigations
Regulatory Notice
Notice Type
Referenced Rules & Notices
Article III, Sections 3 and 4 of the FINRA By-Laws
NASD Rule 3010(e)
NTM 97-19
NTM 05-39
NYSE Interpretation Handbook Rule 345.11/01
NYSE Rule 345.11
NYSE Rule 346b
Suggested Routing
Executive Representatives
Human Resources
SEC Approves New NASD Rule 2290 Regarding Fairness Opinions
On September 7, 2007, the SEC approved new NASD Rule 2821 regarding broker-dealers' compliance and supervisory responsibilities for deferred variable annuities.1 The rule text is set forth in Attachment A and is effective May 5, 2008.
FINRA Announces Amendments to Make Permanent the Pilot Program Increasing Positions and Exercise Limits for Stock Options; Effective Date: February 28, 2008