LEAVE THE LEVERAGED and INVERSE AS IS> DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TELL US WHAT OR HOW TO INVEST OUR OWN MONEY. I have been an investor for 50 years. I have seen popular investment venues come and go. As it should be, some of them wither and die based upon the investor's use or avoidance. Investors, as with any skill, need to understand and experience strategies and tactics. The same common
Stop doing things that screw the little person. Taking power away from the people is not American.
I am not a broker. (1) It is arrogant to tell me or any other person what investments he can make. I assess my own risk. You know nothing about my risk tolerance. (2) I know my limitations. I understand the basic concepts of leveraged and inverse funds. I let the managers of these funds do their job, just like any other mutual fund or stock. (3) My leveraged and inverse fund are a minor part of
I've been [REDACTED] by so many rules designed to "protect" retail investors in the year I've been investing. The [REDACTED] PDT rule that plainly favors the more wealthy. Now you are putting more rules in that limit smaller investors. Let me guess hedge funds are a ok with your proposed rule. STOP LIMITING SMALL INVESTORS!
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on you.
Leave us alone. We can make are own educated decisions without without you [REDACTED] adding yet another layer of [REDACTED] regulation to the mix. [REDACTED]
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. It is my responsibility not yours to assess the risk/rewards on any public investment.
Inverse fund help us to protect downside and should be continued
Do not restrict access to leverage or inverse funds. Investors do need these options. It is their responsibilities to assess the risks and decide either to invest or not.
I have been quite successful in using leveraged and inverse ETFs. The are a useful tools. Please do not restrict my ability to use them.