FINRA 21-19 is a long overdue change. It is clear that the integrity of the United States market has been strained to the edge of disaster, in large part due to systemic risk developed under the regulatory authority of FINRA's outdated short interest reporting policy. I understand FINRA is attempting to create a fairer and transparent market but without strict reporting policies in place you
WASHINGTON – The FINRA Board of Governors has appointed Sam Deshpande as a new public Governor. Deshpande is Chief Information Officer for Humana, a U.S. health insurance company. His term on the FINRA Board begins immediately, and he will join the Board at its upcoming Board of Governors meeting on July 21-22.
Deshpande became Humana’s CIO in July 2021, and is responsible for managing all of
I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. They help me protect (hedge) my investments or seek enhanced returns for my family and myself. What is more information, according to the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the
I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest in specialized leveraged and inverse funds. These types of investment products should be available to any individual's investment strategy and not only to the privileged that can meet a set of arbitrary conditions set by regulators. I felt fully informed and understood all risk involved before I started to use these types of leveraged and
1. When will the Annual Review be available?The Annual Review period is the first 17 business days of the calendar year. The Annual Review section will be available during that time and until the firm completes it.2. Where can I find the Annual Review submitted by my firm?One of the reports available in the FCS Reports section is the Annual Review Report. This report provides the Contacts and
Leveraged and inverse funds allow me to hedge my portfolio and generate enhanced returns using derivatives. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand the concept of these funds and everyone should have access to them. Retail investors are capable of doing their own research and coming to a conclusion on whether or not these fit their risk tolerance and strategy without having
In no way should regulation restrict my rights to invest as I see fit. Restrictions should only ever be placed upon those in public office who gain insider information. As an engineer, I am more than capable of making my own financial decisions regarding investing in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds. I do not need the government to tell me how to think, vote, invest, or
No politician should vote to restrict our choices of personal investment especially given the track record of politicians using material non-public information with regularity for years. Politicians did not have the ethical standards to make it illegal all those years, I see no reason why they should try to restrict inverse products in front of a potential recession and stock market drop. I&#
These products need to stay available for an overall portfolio and everyone should have access to these funds. They already disclose enough information for an investor to make a sound decision on the product and be aware of all the good and bad that comes with that product. There is no need to add additional regulations to these products especially requiring the investor to take a test. There are
I would like to oppose this rule. In my opinion, investors who are investing in these complex products know the risks already. Also brokerage companies let us informed of the risks. Whenever i try to buy a leverage fund, my broker shows warnings at multiple places in big bold red letters during the transaction. I suspect if someone "accidentally" bought these leveraged funds. I