Please do not limit my ability to buy the Funds. Freedom of choice is very important to me.
We use inverse ETFs to protect clients' portfolios during periods of increased volatility. Please do not take away this important tool.
As an investor I want and deserve the freedom to make my own choices about assets in which I invest. The SEC should not be taking on the role of "big brother" to oversee and perhaps overrule the decisions of millions of investors. Many of the decisions that all Americans make carry risks even greater than our investments. For example, the person we choose to marry or our career choices
Does Congress think they know what is best for me & my family? let me choose based on my personal situation
I wanted to voice my opposition to SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15. As a consumer and investorI feel it is might right to choose investments that I have researched and vetted while being free of regulatory restrictions. The SEC needs to understand that with the Internet people are more informed than in the history of investing in the United States and are able to make informed decisions without
People should be allowed to make bad decisions.
I am an engineer by training and regularly handle economic calculations and risk assessment for my job as well as my personal activities. I should not be required to take training or pass tests to invest as I do now; much less be forced into cooling off periods related to my investment strategies. To be clear, I am also one of the folks that paid back all my college student loans and am sick and
I oppose these restrictions. I must sign an annual agreement with Schwab that I understand the risks of ETFs. The ETFs are part of my investment strategy. There are enough rules and regulations today, we do not need any more.
I, a fully responsible citizen, has the right to invest in public investments. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I oppose the restrictions on my rights to invest!
Prohibiting individuals from buying inverse and leveraged finanical products will greatly hinder the ability of invidual investors to implement an investment strategy that they have deemed to be in their best intertests only to benefit large finanical institutions and it's un-American. I strongly oppose this action.