I am a government employee and also invest my hard earned money and do not want to see over regulations restricting my options while allowing big pocket companies access to the same investments. Please let us choose what we invest on and let us keep the responsibility to be informed and educated. We are adults and should not be tested for where we invest our money. Thank you.
The proposed legislation limits the investing power of highly educated or well-read individuals who come from adverse backgrounds. Such regulations are effectively an increased barrier to entry for the many Americans like myself who attempt to build wealth with no assistance from an inheritance. Rather than pass legislation that effectively handcuffs those with little amassed wealth, the
This is extremely disturbing information that FINRA would seek to limit individual investor access to more complex investment products. Retail investors are already saddled with significant disadvantages. This only serves to further stack the regulations against them. I invested in leveraged products fully aware of the inherent risks. To take these investments away from those retail investors
I spend alot of time researching and pay consulants for information for stocks to buy. I don't feel it should be up to somebody else to decide if we can buy shares of any stock.
Everyday the stock market is a risk i am willing to take, i feel this more would allow the rich to become richer and block the everyday Joe out from making money. I feel ther is a hidden agenda behind this.
I have been using leveraged ETFs exclusively in my brokerage and retirement investment accounts for the past three years. I have studied them extensively and determined that they are the right choice for me and my family. They are not for everybody. Each investor should due their own research and there's certainly no shortage of information on these investment vehicles. Every investor,
It is my opinion that I alone, not regulators, should have the right to choose the investment strategy that best suits me and my family. I am fully capable of researching and making an informed decision on what leveraged and inverse funds that I should buy and sell. All funds are risky and I am 100% against regulations that are imposed upon me and that can drastically impact my ability to plan
Comments:I have traded L&I ETFs in the past. My broker's website asked me to first declare intentions for my account that were consistent with L&I products (short term and actively monitored.) I feel this was more than sufficient to dissuade any uninformed investor that didn't know what they were getting into. I don't want to be "protected" from these
Accurate short sale tracking is obviously important, but it’s only as useful as the information given on dark pool activities. Dark pool existence, and how those exchanges are able to integrate shares into major exchanges is beyond fraudulent. I appreciate your efforts, but share selling will never be put into check until dark pools are eliminated.
In March 2004, NASD convened a panel of industry experts and investor advocates to assess the challenges facing the corporate debt market and make recommendations for possible improvements. The objective of the Corporate Debt Market Panel was to review and make recommendations to the NASD Board of Governors regarding how to best ensure market integrity and investor protection in the corporate
This is unwarranted, unjustified, and unnecessary. Investors should be able to make their own decisions about what they invest in, and when, and how. Fund family vendors provide all the information necessary about their product(s) to let any investor who TAKES RESPONSIBILITY for THEMSELVES for their actions to understand clearly what they are investing in, and the risks inherent in that