FINRA’s Examinations team has undertaken changes to create efficiencies before, during and after the exam process to continuously improve the program. On this episode, three senior leaders of the team join us to detail some of the recent changes, including the introduction of thematic reviews, changes to the post-exam closeout process and more.
TO: All NASD Members
NASD members are invited to vote on proposed new Article III, Section 42 of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice. The proposed new rule would prohibit NASD members from effecting, directly or indirectly, over-the-counter transactions in a security as to which a trading
Greetings, Not sure why FINRA has not come out with a report in the last three quarters, but the information it provides is completely valid and incredibly important to me as an individual investor. Also, I wish their was some working enforcement in place to discourage naked short selling and the unethical trade practices being used to manipulate a stocks true value.
For 20 years, FINRA’s Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine, known as TRACE, has contributed to reduced trade execution costs, facilitated price formation, aided regulatory programs and protected investors, as detailed in a recent blog commemorating this milestone anniversary. As an economist, I’d argue TRACE’s impact extends. For me, some of the real impact is in the research it has enabled.
Please approve the new rules to tighten up short interest reporting requirements. There are too many loopholes that short traders use to hide and obfuscate their true short interest (eg hiding shorts in deep OTM put contracts) which puts retail traders at an information disadvantage, which is anathema to free market principles.
I do not trust government officials to be making these restrictions/regulations on us. It does not pass the smell test, it may well be proposed for nefarious political purposes.
Another suspicious circumstance is that the Mail informing o of this development arrived this afternoon, 5/9/22, and saying the deadline was today, 5/9/22. Hmmm, I wonder what that might be about? It is right now 7:
Its a slippery slope to begin restricting individual Americans from their own poor choices with consequences. Its how we learn & a paternalistic approach retards that learning. When you begin taking away freedoms in a free country, pretty soon anything could be on the chopping block. Instead, how about some nudges toward good choices from our SEC to inform & educate the
FINRA is adding two new Rule 4530 Problem Codes related to SEC Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS, and making related amendments to the existing Rule 4530 Problem Code related to suitability. Starting on July 18, 2020, firms can use new Problem Code 16–Reg BI and new Problem Code 17–Form CRS, when applicable, to report customer complaint information and required documents
I am not a big investor, and I believe in free and universal access to the markets. I was fully informed by my broker about the risks involved in leveraged and inverse funds, which are an important security hedge for me should the market crash. I am opposed to SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 and urge you to consider the harmful and unnecessary limitations it would impose on myself and others like me
The proposed legislation limits the investing power of highly educated or well-read individuals who come from adverse backgrounds. Such regulations are effectively an increased barrier to entry for the many Americans like myself who attempt to build wealth with no assistance from an inheritance. Rather than pass legislation that effectively handcuffs those with little amassed wealth, the