FINRA announced today the results of its election of two Governors to its Board of Governors. The announcement came after the Annual Meeting of FINRA firms, where Scott A. Curtis, president of Raymond James’s Private Client Group, was elected as a Large-Firm Governor, and Wendy Lanton, Chief Compliance Officer and Founding Principal of Herald & Lantern Investments, Inc., was re-elected as a Small-Firm Governor.
February 12, 2002The next OATS Release is currently scheduled to go into production on Monday, April 8, 2002. The only coding change required is the addition of a Bunched Order Indicator field to the New Order, Cancel/Replace, and Combined Order/Execution Reports. This field will be used to show that an order was bunched upon receipt of the order.Other changes include:The Account Type Code field
It is my belief that any individual should retain the right to make investments as he/she sees fit without the imposition of restrictions if they deem a particular investment to be in their best interest. With particular regard towards leveraged and inverse funds, such an investment helps to create a balanced investment strategy that allows for individuals to hedge their investments. Ample
The number of shares in the market directly influences the value of those shares, and therefore the investments holding them. Anything that changes that count, no matter how many or how few, MUST be reported and published in order for investors to make informed decisions. There is NO situation where the dilution or concentration of available shares should be withheld from investors.
The proposed amendment to FINRA 4560 is a laughable attempt at improving naked short selling internal control measures, actual regulatory action, or really any kind of further obligation on the part of the involved broker-dealers. There have been hundreds if not thousands of regulatory "actions" taken by FINRA related to short sale, and misreporting/misclassification of shorts. This
FINRA administers access to secure applications for various regulatory purposes. Learn more below about how you can request access to the appropriate systems:Request Access via Super Account Administrator (SAA) FormBroker-Dealers, Capital Acquisition Brokers (CABs), Funding Portals, Investment Advisers, Private Fund Advisers, Regulators and Service ProvidersCreate Your Own Account (Register New
More transparency in short positions is necessary for a fair market. There are currently too many methods of obscuring the real short interest of certain securities which creates an unfair environment for retail investors. FINRA should make more information about short sales public as well as investigate further into how synthetic shares are being created and hidden.
We should be able to know what goes on in this insider trading with the but money. The stuff that goes in dark pools as well. All information should be accesible . How is this fair to the retail investor? Just Bc I have a certain amount of money or no money I’m robbed of what I work hard for and it’s never a fair game .
You should not be able to sell something you don’t own. If borrowed; must have in possession and not “ we can get them later”. Also fail to delivers must be covered in a shorter timeframe. Honestly there should not be any fails to deliver. Short information should be readily available and not 2 days out. After the fact.
I would like to see a more transparent market with instant short position reporting to the general public. I would also like to see instant reporting of any failure-to-delivers. I think this information should be public to any retail investor instantly and easily with no delays. I believe this will help limit manipulation and allow the market to be free and fair.