How many people have been hurt trading SCO? What problem are you fixing? People assume risk every day in the market. If you think the risk is too high, then restrict access. Else, let folks buy and sell the asset.
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. It is very important that you express your views in your own wordsyour comments are more likely to be taken seriously by FINRA if they reflect your own experience and perspective. Not only do you have the
Should be open to all, not just a select few
Please let the investors make their decisions and and evaluate the risks associated. The freedom of the markets is a tremendous right we have and any further degradation of such, is opposed by me and if given the opportunity to vote would vote to oppose this proposed rule.
"Protecting us from ourselves" -- i.e., barring us from choosing to take a on position of high risk and high reward -- has no place in America, especially in an area so obviously volatile as the equity markets. Existing regulations well protect us citizens from being duped. Adding regulations to try to protect us from financial losses is a patronizing fool's errand, which will only
I use these products primarily to provide short-term protection to achieve my long-term investment goals. Prohibiting them would cause me to deploy even more funds for protection or use options which just as risky in my opinion. Please do not remove this option for me!
Investors should be able to choose their own investments, regardless of the risk. They bear their own responsibility. SEC should not limit an investors ability to choose their own investments. We know every investment bears risks, and there is plenty of research and information available for investors to make their own decisions for themselves and their families.
The markets have allowed small investors access to leveraged trading vehicles like options for decades now. There is no need for new regulation here.
Stay out. Let me decide what I want to invest in. I spend all day trading. I know what I am doing. I understand the risks.