Please keep leveraged funds, I'm a small investor who's informed in my knowledge of how to trade and invest. My strategy is to buy and sell when it's going up but hold on when going down, so I'm not causing volatility in a down market or contributing to exacerbating a market panic. Please keep markets as free as possible. Thankyou
As an informed and educated investor I use inverse indexes as a hedge for market downturns. We all know market trends fluctuate to the upside as well as the downside and this is a part of my investment strategy. By continuing to allow consumer investors like myself to use inverse indexes levels the playing field and allows all investors access to 'free' markets.
It is ridiculous to require testing or a special process to purchase inverse funds. Investors require hedging mechanisms. With my exposure to bonds, I require some protection against rising rates, inverse treasury funds help provide that protection. We don't need a nanny, but we do need good sources of information to help us make the best investment decisions.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
I understand cryptocurrency funds are new and should be regulated for an even playing field to all investors. If interested, we can find that information of crypto investment on our own. We should not be tested for a specialized investment knowledge test. Almost all other investments are available to whomever wants to invest their money without a test
The proposed restrictions will adversely impact my ability to make informed investment decisions for me and my family and further disadvantage smaller investors such as myself against large high net worth investors. These proposed regulations will further exasperate income inequality and are not good for the US economy. I kindly ask that these measures are carefully reconsidered with the small
These regulations are unprecedented and ludicrous!! Never before have regulators proposed blocking investors from investments. The function of regulators has been to insure products and their promoters fully informed investors and disclosed disclosed risks. Even private placements focus more on full and complete disclosure, than restricting investment.
Please do not play "nanny."
Thank you for the opportunity to appear today to discuss the important work that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA, is doing to fulfill our mission under the federal securities laws to protect investors and safeguard market integrity while facilitating vibrant capital markets.
Senior ManagementLegal & ComplianceMutual FundTraining
Executive Summary
The NASD reminds members of their obligations under the Rules of Fair Practice with respect to mutual fund sales practices. Members and their associated persons must ensure that their communications with customers (both oral and written) are accurate and complete regarding disclosure of material
Dear FINRA, I oppose this legislation because you are instituting more constraints on my freedom to manage my investments as I see fit. We already must review and sign documents from our broker informing us of the risks and potential losses on all leveraged investments before we can purchase those investments. In fact, I had to state my investment objectives were "most aggressive" to
Senior Management
Legal & Compliance
Executive Summary
On August 7, 1997, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved amendments to the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®) Code of Procedure setting forth, among other things, general procedures for members to apply