I am not an independently wealthy person. However, I understand the inherent risks and potential rewards of leveraged funds. I utilize them within my risk tolerance as a percentage of my whole portfolio. Do not change.
I often use leveraged and inverse funds to make directional trades in the stock market. I also use these types of funds to hedge other investments in my account. I understand the risks associated with them and hope that additional regulations will not be added that would limit my access to these types of funds.
This proposed rule is clearly an attempt by elites to keep the individual investor from taking advantage of their terrible public policy. If this investor were to see that the government was spending too much money and going to cause inflation, how are they to protect their portfolio or actually take advantage of this mismanagement. Betting against Treasuries, like using TBT, would provide that
I wish this administration would just let people invest as they choose. We don't need "Big Brother" to look out for us. The government acts as if we are all young children not able to make decisions for ourselves. You always think you are helping, but you are actually hurting the majority. Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. Including LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS
It's called a hedge. I want to be able to do the same thing the big institutions do. If I'm smart enough to buy long positions, I'm smart enough to short. As per usual, you are dumping on small investors and helping big banks aka: your donors. This isn't just stupid, it's anti American. It's my money, if I want to hedge, it's my business. Stay out of my business
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I have inverse funds in my investment accounts. They are a portion of the accounts, not the majority of the accounts. These funds bring some additional diversity and balance to my accounts. I am investing money that I have earned throughout my career, and I should be able to do that as I see fit without government regulation either adding needless tasks for me to accomplish or restrict my
I feel additional regulation on inverse and leveraged funds who prohibit me from diversifying my account. I already invest in high risk stocks like penny stocks and I also short stocks so I maximize my annual gains. While I may lose money occasionally I fully accept that risk. I'm only putting a small percentage into these funds and the majority of my money is in less risky stocks.