Have you ever wondered who protects investors—and how? FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is a not-for-profit organization authorized under the federal securities laws and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Alongside the SEC, FINRA oversees U.S. member broker-dealers and their personnel, including individuals who recommend or sell securities products to the public. FINRA’s mission is protecting the investor and ensuring the integrity of our country’s securities markets.
Continuing Education
Continuing Education
Legal & Compliance
Senior Management
Continuing Education
Firm Element
Executive Summary
The Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education (Council) has issued the annual Firm Element Advisory, a guide for firms to use
Register to attend an upcoming webinar to learn about the installation of ProProctor, a Prometric application that FINRA is using to deliver qualification exams online, on company-issued equipment. During these hour-long sessions, FINRA and Prometric technologists will discuss resources available to firm Information Technology staff, and a substantial amount of time will be reserved to answer
Nominees for the District Committees and District Nominating Committees
Senior ManagementLegal & ComplianceTrading
*These are suggested departments only. Others may be appropriate for your firm.
On May 1, 1990, the SEC approved an amendment to Schedule H of the NASD By-Laws to require member firms to file specified information with the NASD before initiating (or resuming) a quotation of a non-NASDAQ over-the-counter
I am an informed and educated retail investor and i make investments in leveraged ETFs that are indexed to various sectors to hedge risk. I need this ability and it is my right to invest as i see fit for my success. I believe investments tied to sector indices are no more riskier than individual stocks which i invest in as well.
I strongly recommend that you do Not interfere with my right to choose which investments are right for me and my family. Public investments should be just that... Public!
I shouldn't have to go through any special test or procedure in order to choose my investments.
As always, I remain an informed and consistent voter,
FINRA Announces Nominees for Vacant Small Firm and Mid-Size Firm Industry National Adjudicatory Council Seats
Includes Initial Findings From Reg BI Exams; Highlights Emerging and Ongoing Regulatory Topics
Washington, D.C. – FINRA today published its 2022 Report on FINRA’s Examination and Risk Monitoring Program to provide insights from FINRA’s oversight programs to FINRA member firms. The 70-page Report covers 21 different topics—including five new subjects—relevant to an evolving securities industry
This guidance is intended to provide direction on key information for a prospective and existing FINRA member firm that is contemplating to engage in activities utilizing an online platform or mobile application.1 Under Standard 6 of FINRA’s Standards for Admission (Standard), an applicant’s online platform or mobile application that the applicant intends to employ for the purpose of