I have previously submitted my thoughts but want to take a minute to reiterate them. Leveraged and inverse funds play a very important role in my personal investments along with our corporate investment strategy for clients. When used by professionals, for clients who understand them, they are very useful tools for actually reducing risk and enhancing returns. This should be left to the free
Want to make the most impact? 1st Stop insider trading in house, senate beyond. The fact that you don't address this issue shows who and what you care about. 2nd End share buy backs that inflate perceived value of corp. 3rd Have independently chosen board members on corporate boards and make them accountable to their share holders. Thanks for your time, but I doubt that you listen and WE as
It's my money I am investing. Not yours. Why do you have a say in what I invest in? How is this protecting me? I understand all risk involved.
Governmental intervention has unpredictable and unhealthy consequences for investors such as myself. I strongly oppose restrictions placed on buying leveraged or inverse funds. Investors, such as myself must be allowed to make decisions that will permit us (me) to leverage various commodities in market downturns as well as upturns. Similarly, we (I) must be allowed to buy leveraged or inverse
I have been investing in leveraged etfs for years and have found them to be perfect for my risk tolerance. I do not feel it is at all appropriate for you to revoke my right to do so.
Aren't we living in the land of the free and the home of the brave?? Why, then, are you pushing for regulations that would limit certain people from purchasing leveraged and inverse funds? Why are you creating a system with those who have these privileges and those who are refused these privileges. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Let
Hello: I am adamantly opposed to restricting access to any currently available investment product. This is an arbitrary, unnecessary regulation that is not in the investing publics interest. I should be able to choose the investments available to me and not have them restricted to privileged investors.
I, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for my and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Dear FINRA, I oppose this legislation because you are instituting more constraints on my freedom to manage my investments as I see fit. We already must review and sign documents from our broker informing us of the risks and potential losses on all leveraged investments before we can purchase those investments. In fact, I had to state my investment objectives were "most aggressive" to
Let every American invest !!!