It is very unfortunate that our freedoms are under attack. I am 77 yrs old and remember a freer country. I should be able to decide what type of investment is right for me, my right should not be decided by some bureaucrat who does not know me.
Inverse and leveraged ETFs are an essential tool for traders to profit in dynamic markets. In these times, with all the economic uncertainty and potential volatility that lies ahead, removing these tools would be to disadvantage traders at an incredibly inopportune time.
I should be able to invest based on what I am able to invest and where I choose to invest it. There is no need for a special process for this. I can make my own risk assessment based on my earnings etc. Many of the funds I use as a hedge against a market crash in order to protect my earnings. It makes no sense to remove these types of investments. When used within your individual risk profile
The proposed regulatory changes are embarrassing - to FINRA and the SEC, and an insult to investors. I should be able to make investments in the targeted public securities that I believe are in my (and my family's) best interests without going through a special process. Further, given all the extreme movements in individual stocks recently (Gamestop exemplifies), why limit the initiative to
Dear Sirs, As a US citizen, I believe I have the right to choose my own investment for myself and my own family using any public investment vessels. This right should come with no further official regulation to decide if I am qualified in knowledge or risk taking since it's my own decision based on my own due diligence. In the past 20 years, Fed kept relaxing credits in order to save
Governement fools OVEREACH as usual - back off - investors can handle the risk - we don't need "mommy and daddy" to stick their unwanted nose in . I have been investing since 1986 and understand accpet RISK.
Let it be public I understand the risk and factor and making it hard for any of Us as individual investors is wrong!. Everything should be a free choice on where to invest!
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. It is very important that you express your views in your own wordsyour comments are more likely to be taken seriously by FINRA if they reflect your own experience and perspective. Not only do you have the
I oppose regulations restricting the right of investors to buy and sell leveraged and inverse ETFs. I use inverse funds during times of uncertainty to protect my portfolio. They have an advantage over options due to the expiration date on options causing intrinsic value to quickly erode.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.