Technology Based Innovations for Regulatory Compliance in the Securities Industry outlines recent regulatory technology (RegTech) developments within the securities industry and potential opportunities and implications these technologies may have for broker-dealers.
The report follows an in-depth review conducted by FINRA on the emergence of RegTech tools within the securities industry and
Beginning Monday, September 24, 2018, FINRA will add a new Daily Short Sale Volume File to its TRF – Regulation SHO data page. This file will provide aggregate daily short sale volume data by security that has been reported to the new FINRA/Nasdaq TRF Chicago.
FINRA will also begin publishing a Monthly Short Sale Transaction File for NMS stocks reported to the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF Chicago
Restructured Qualification Examinations and Related Examination Fees
FINRA Requests Comment on Enhancements Under Consideration by the Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education
Proposed Rule Change Relating to District Committee Structure and Governance
Enhancements to FINRA’s May 18, 2018 Disclosure Review Process Relating to Public Financial Records
Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 6710 to Modify the Definition of “Agency Debt Security”
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make reported short sale trading data publicly available.
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make reported short sale trading data publicly available.
Monthly Disciplinary Actions May 2018