TRACE to Serve as Centralized Source for Consistent, Timely, Accurate Security Information
WASHINGTON — FINRA today filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission a proposal to expand its collection and dissemination of new-issue reference data for corporate bonds. The proposal calls for FINRA’s TRACE (Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine) to serve as a centralized source for market
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make publicly available the trading data in connection with the Pilot. By making the trading data publicly available, researchers may study the Pilot.
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make publicly available the trading data in connection with the Pilot. By making the trading data publicly available, researchers may study the Pilot.
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make publicly available the trading data in connection with the Pilot. By making the trading data publicly available, researchers may study the Pilot.
FINRA Reminds Firms of Their Obligations Under SEC Rule 15c2-11(a)(4)
Guidance on FOCUS Reporting for Operating Leases
In conjunction with the UTP Operating Committee (UTPOC) and Consolidated Tape Authority (CTA), FINRA will begin disseminating odd lot transactions via the Trade Data Dissemination Service (TDDS) on or about October 7, 2013.
Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, each SRO has agreed to make publicly available the trading data in connection with the Pilot. By making the trading data publicly available, researchers may study the Pilot.
FINRA has taken disciplinary actions against the following firms and individuals for violations of FINRA rules; federal securities laws, rules and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
FINRA is publishing its quarterly OTCBB/OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List for the fourth quarter of 2018.