Leveraged ETF's like QQQ Proshares or Inverse ETF's can significantly enhance returns and consolidate effort, like any fund. Why would FINRA or any gov't agency assume we as investors are too dumb to understand the risks/ benefit analysis? Right now the NASDAQ-indexed QQQ's are down because of government incompetence, throwing around money for people not to
In response to info that my PERO leveraged and reverse funds are going to be dis-allowed, I have submitted my objection to them at your sugestion, THANKS Dale Reed a client of Fidelity.
Almost all of investors are already well aware of the meaing of investing in leverged or inversed efts and no one can or should limit the personal choice for investing with their own money and assets I totally oppose for the FINRA regulatory notice
I have been investing in TQQQ, a Proshares investment tool for over a year and have made a lot of money with it. It has an element of risk to it. I understand the core of how it is invested. I know that it is designed for profits on a daily basis. I am not a day trader but the platform clearly follows a pattern of the NASDAQ, and is predictable. With the Fidelity platform it is easy to get
I like to invest, and I have experience
I would like to continue investing in leveraged ETFs. I feel I am acting in my familys best interest. Thank you.
I am concerned about my future ability to invest in various types of products that I have utilised over the last few years. I have invested in inverse ETF's, currency ETF's, Leveraged ETF's, foreign country or market ETF's, etc.
I should have the right to invest in these vehicles for the benefit of my family, and not be told what I can and cannot invest in.
Individual investors, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for themselves and their family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies.
Leveraged funds also reduce my buy/sell, so reduce the fluctuant of market activities.
It is important to me to be able to hedge positions in my investment portfolio through the use of options and inverse funds without restrictions being placed on my ability to select and exercise these trade tools. It is especially useful in market environments like we are experiencing now. I wish to continue to be able to protect my investments when markets are in decline with the ease
Leverage and inverse funds are great equity items, even for general public