1.I am senior investor,I have more than thirty years investment experience. I understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks. So I dont need go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities
2.I have the right to choose public investment
3. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment
Every investment carries a level of risk. While leveraged and inverse ETPs might not be well known to most retail traders, those who know about these products tend to understand how they work and how to use them. Prohibiting adults from purchasing a leveraged index fund when there are people losing money on riskier assets like cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens is ridiculous.
Brokers already have hoops to jump through to get into these investments. These investment vehicles should be made available to everyone and not just privileged people. I already understand the dangers of buying leveraged products, and I should have the right to invest in the products that I want to. If access to these products were to change, they would absolutely adversely affect my portfolio
oppose limitations on invested investments!
I am capable of making my own decisions to invest in whatever products for my own well-being. FINRA has no right to impose any restrictions on my investment choices.
Leveraged funds are a great investment tool when properly utilized in a portfolio. They can certainly boost performance of a portfolio. I invest in them and think everyone should invest in them. In fact, I think they should be allowed in professional managed 401K's. They provide the versatility to trade markets, up and down, and to hedge or boost investments. Additionally, one
I am against regulators to decide my investment options. There should be no regulations or restrictions for me to invest in any public investment. To have a balanced portfolio, leveraged and inverse funds are necessary in volatile markets.
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. Retail traders or investors, like myself, should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are and how they work. Also, the liquidity will be severely affected if passed.
Almost all of investors are already well aware of the meaing of investing in leverged or inversed efts and no one can or should limit the personal choice for investing with their own money and assets I totally oppose for the FINRA regulatory notice
Leveraged ETF's like QQQ Proshares or Inverse ETF's can significantly enhance returns and consolidate effort, like any fund. Why would FINRA or any gov't agency assume we as investors are too dumb to understand the risks/ benefit analysis? Right now the NASDAQ-indexed QQQ's are down because of government incompetence, throwing around money for people not to