Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategy. As someone who cannot invest a large portion of my income, these funds give me the leverage I need to maintain an appropriate growth rate to be able to retire in the future. I have been investing in these types of funds for years and am well associated with the risks. I did dozens of hours of research before I ever invested a
I am in control of the decisions regarding my investments. Do not take that away from me. I understand the risks associated with each investment and am capable of deciding whether they are appropriate for me and my family.
I believe everyone should have a choice in choosing right investment for themselves instead of regulators and government. There should be no special unnecessary processes to purchase leveraged and inverse funds. We do not need any measurements imposed on us!
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my
investment strategies. I should be able to choose the investment strategies that are right for me. I am quite capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds as well as their associated risks and benefits. These investments should be available to the public, not just the privileged.
I believe that public investments should be available to public and I should not have to go through any special process. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my family. They protect my investments and seek reasonable returns. I should have the right and freedom to choose the investments. Thank you.
It would be an unfair advantage if only high net worth traders were the only ones who could trade inverse or double or triple ETF's.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. For many years, I have been studying about complex investments in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds, and feel confident of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I have been successfully using them to seek enhanced returns and building wealth. I don't need regulators to put restrictions on my right to
Please stop doing this. You are infantalizing us with these rules, and only making it harder for the average person to participate in the market. The SEC only diminishes their credibility by pursuing arbitrary regulations on individual investors while shrugging their shoulders at the systemic risk posed by market makers.
Please do not limit the few tools that the individual investor has to compete with the big brokerage houses. HFTs and hedge funds! We are already at a huge disadvantage!
Please do not limit/restrict my and other investors' access to L&I Funds or disqualify us from trading L&I Funds or other "complex products".
I do have a strong understanding of the characteristics and risks of L&I Funds, and that understand that their purpose is for short-term active trading, and that they should be monitored