I believe public investments tools should be available to all of the public, The fund company follows SEC regulation to offer the prospectus of the fund to investors and investors evaluates own risk tolerance to make decision.
Please do not restrict common investor's ability to invest in leveraged public investments. As individual investors, having access to those leveraged products provides us with a much better environment for risk management and long term investment.
I oppose any restrictions in any manner to my right to invest in any inverse or leveraged fund. It is my responsibility and right to choose the investments that are appropriate for myself and my family.
I have successfully used inverse funds as a hedge in volatile markets. For me, these are one of the valuable investment tools that I use to moderate risk.
Please do not impose any special
Comments:The wide use of leveraged ETF offer me the complexity of investment features not found anywhere else. i have the broad knowledge and financial understanding of how these investments work and have utilized them for decades to benefit both me and the clients i serve in my investment management practice. I ask that new rules not be implimented, doing so will not dissuade an investor from
Is this another attempt to reduce or eliminate my freedom to choose the investments I make, right or wrong? I oppose this kind of restriction due to "for my own good"!
To Whom It May Concern: As a small retail investor, it is difficult to gain leverage, let alone with some efficiency. The leveraged funds from ProShares allow retail investors to access their economy of scale. Taking away these investment options from retail investors is simply unnecessary regulatory interference.