It was shocking of knowing that our regulators plan to limit our right to invest in leveraged and inverses funds. Certainly, we understand the risk of investing and the choice of risk and reward should be left to the investors. The investment choices and the type of investments should be open to all, but not just a few privileged, i.e. the wealthy ones, and the investment firms...etc. As an
Dear Regulator,
I have been a retail investor for years and found that Leveraged ETFs are not as risky as many have been led to believe. I have been able to post gains whether the market is up or down using very basic strategies. Taking away my right to choose what I invest in (especially ETFs)and making me run a gauntlet that I may not successfully navigate makes no sense. There are many other
I should have the right to decide my own risk profile and invest how I see fit. By allowing some to invest in this and others not, you are failing a portion of the entire investor group.
The proposed additional regulation regarding limiting access and tradability of inverse, leveraged and volatility ETPs is nonsensical and plain wrong. Investing is a way for the masses to generate wealth, one small chunk at a time. Not everyone needs to be an accredited investor in order to be able to buy more complicated financial products than common stock and government bonds. Quite the
I dont need anyone limiting way I use Etf or other securities levered or unlevered. Its America. We all know our risk profiles. Caveat emptor
I think I can choose the public investments, that are right for me and my family.
I can understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. they help my protect (hedge) my investments or seek enhanced returns.I use them as a limited part of my overall portfolio.
I have many years of experience in investing in stocks,
The ability for small investors to make money in the market is hard enough given all the advantages that Wall Street has been given. Now you are considering giving then another one. What is wrong with you?!? I have invested in leveraged and inverse funds for years and they are a critical income stream for retirement. Dont give Wall Street another advantage they dont need. As a regulator you dont
Free markets!!! Anything else I'd tyranny!
I oppose your intent to restrict my ability to invest. Let me have my right to invest in what I want. It is none of your business what I invest in.
Leveraged and inverse funds are an integral part of investment. Please keep these options for individual investors!