I oppose restrictions on my right to invest.
I should be able to choose what I invest in.
I dont need a test or special process to invest in public funds.
Leveraged funds are only a portion of my portfolio. They help me seek enhanced returns for that portion as part of my overall strategy.
It is anti-capitalist to regulate public funds that I have in my portfolio
Please continue to allow individual investors to invest in leveraged and inverse investment products. I personally use them to hedge market risk in my portfolio. There is adequate safeguards and disclosures currently to alert investors to the inherent risk of these products. Individual investors should have similar options as large/commercial investors. Thanks
Im not certain about the rationale behind your proposed limitation of trading leveraged exchange traded funds.
People can open options accounts and lose money very quickly. And these accounts exemplify confusion. Condors, straddles, bow ties, synthetic buys, etc.
People can open futures account and lose money very quickly.
People can open Forex accounts and lose money extremely quickly.
Sir or Madam,
I would like to object to the possible new regulations concerning under what circumstances some investors may be prevented or limited from trading leveraged and inverse ETFs. Specifically:
Pass a regulator-imposed test of your specialized investment knowledge
Demonstrate a high net worth
Get special approval from your broker
Attest to reading certain materials
Go through
I think a simple consent form acknowledging possibilities for loss should be enough to allow investing in leveraged and inverse etfs by any investor.
I have the capability of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks, and do not need such regulatory measures imposed.
I don't support this idea. I have the right to decide which kind of securities I want to invest in. Leveraged securities are part of a specific investing strategy that I am testing in a smaller part of my portfolio.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my
investment strategies. Its hard to focus on one stock and its always better to buy leveraged ETF and minimize risk .Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Re proposed rule S7-24-15, please don't restrict my right to choose which investments I feel are right for me and my family. I should choose, not be restricted by government fiat. And why can't an average investor access the same stuff as rich people?