SEC Approves Rule Amendment Requiring That ADF Market Participant Provide Advance Written Notice When Denying Access; Effective Date: October 20, 2004
In this third and final episode in our series covering FINRA's ongoing crypto asset regulatory work, we hear from FINRA's Blockchain Lab, which serves as a central point within FINRA for the development of blockchain-related regulatory initiatives to learn about how the Lab is supporting and advancing FINRA's regulatory work involving crypto assets.
In 2022, FINRA developed an enterprise-wide strategy to ensure it is prepared for an evolving crypto asset regulatory landscape and created the Crypto Hub, the Blockchain Lab and the Crypto Asset Investigations Team. On this episode, the first in a three-part series, we learn more about the strategy and the role of the Hub.
Last modified: November 17, 2023FINRA's Arbitration Awards database enables users to perform Web-based searches for FINRA and historical NASD arbitration awards free of charge, seven days a week. Also available through the site are historical awards for New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Users
This list of Frequently Asked Questions covers topics such as Rights of Accumulation (ROA) and Letters of Intent (LOI), as well as resources to help you educate your clients.
FINRA is publishing its quarterly OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List for the third quarter of 2023. This updated list of OTC equity securities eligible for trade report dissemination for trades of fewer than 100 shares is effective as of January 5, 2024. To view changes, visit the Daily List: Security Attribute Changes page, select the “Unit of Trades” filter and enter January 4
The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) section of the 2018 Report on Exam Findings informs member firms’ compliance programs by describing recent findings and observations from FINRA’s examinations, and, in certain cases, also providing a summary of effective practices.
The DBAs and Communications with the Public section of the 2018 Report on Exam Findings informs member firms’ compliance programs by describing recent findings and observations from FINRA’s examinations, and, in certain cases, also providing a summary of effective practices.
Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3 (Customer Protection Rule) imposes requirements on member firms that are designed to protect customer funds and securities. Member firms are obligated to maintain custody of customers’ fully paid and excess margin securities, and safeguard customer funds by segregating these assets from the firm’s proprietary business activities and promptly delivering them to the customer upon request. Member firms can satisfy these requirements by keeping customer funds in a special reserve bank account and by maintaining customer securities in their physical possession or in a good control location, as specified in Rule 15c3-3. Member firms are required to maintain a reserve of cash or qualified securities in the special reserve bank account that is at least equal in value to the net cash owed to customers, including cash obtained from the use of customer securities. The amount of net cash owed to customers is computed pursuant to the formula set forth in Exhibit A to Rule 15c3-3.