Please do not impose new regulations on my portfolio that includes a manageable percentage of leveraged funds such as SSO. Im very capable of using research to make informed decisions for my investments and I appreciate the freedom to do so!
I regularly use leveraged fund (for example TQQQ) for my retirement account in stock/bond portfolio. I use them for long-term purposes (months to years). I would like to be able use them in the future.
This appears to be a method to protect the very wealthy from any form of competition as what happened in the lock-downs which destroyed many small businesses.
I want to voice my opposition to any restriction to my current ability to purchase leveraged and/or inverse funds as they are an important component of my investing strategy, especially in my wife's and my deferred compensation plans that limit investment purchases to mutual funds. As retirees, we use these funds help protect/hedge our investments by providing opportunities for enhanced
I am strenuously opposed to the investment restrictions/limitations indicated here.
A) As a taxpaying, voting, citizen of the United States I strenuously object to these investing restrictions and ardently reserve MY RIGHTS to make financial decisions that are in my and my families best interest. This is particularly important when investing our own personal and retirement money.
B) I should not
Imposing a ban on holding the funds included in this notice casts too wide a net. For sure investors need to understand what products they are purchasing, but this is true with all asset classes and I for one believe that this is an overreach on the part of regulators. Having already signed an attestation as to the increased risk associated with leveraged funds, I am fully aware of my risks and
Why does the little guy get taken & Congress can insider trade & side step all the regulations theuy put on us.
Make them start paying their share instead of getting fat on us little guys. Their salaries are to high & they should NOT get free insurance, etc. even the President's salary should be cut to help fund all these programs, etc they put
The only time someone wants 2 protect the retail investor in reality is to "aid" the large traders
Why not protect the little guy from short raids and reinstate the uptick rule
I will reply later after I have "cooled" down
As investors, we are perfectly aware of the risks we take when we invest in leveraged funds. We are grown people, and do not require a nanny to lock us out of high-risk investments. This regulation not only stops everyday people from becoming fully capable investors, it is condescending to believe this is for our own good.
I oppose the purchase restrictions. Trading of these types of leveraged funds should be available to all. As an alternative to the restrictions, a requirement could be to allow purchasing after receiving one training course on the risks of these funds. Under no circumstances should trading of these types of funds be limited to only those with a high net worth. An alternative could be a limit on