I am not a child. Please do not treat me like one. I am perfectly capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I need the ability to hedge my investments, especially during times like these.
This is good way to trade market
Please dont limit the use of these products, they are the only way that many of us have to protect our hard earned investments.
I oppose what is being planned to limit my ability to invest MY money public investments. As we all know there is a level of risk in making any investment and that is a risk I as an individual make a choice on - Not you. Leveraged and inverse funds are important part of my investment portfolio limiting my access to these investment vehicles appears to be discriminatory and tyrannical actions.
Gentlemen, I would like to object to any proposal to restrict trading in certain securities such as leveraged and inverse funds. I am not a high net worth individual, but I have read several books on trading and investing, have taken several courses and belonged to a trading club for a while. So I feel I have a more than adequate understanding of how markets work and the risks involved.
Enough already, theres way too many regs already. Better time spent would be to pursue the likes of JP Morgan and any other spoofers. Proper use of leveraged trades allows us small traders the ability to take advantage of our market studies
Over regulation is destroying our country. Get out of the way,
Dear FINRA, please do not begin gatekeeping access to complex financial instruments based on an assessment or net worth basis. This jeopardizes personal freedom and creates artificial and unnecessary barriers in the market for individual investors to participate. This compromises liquidity, price finding, and is an infringement of liberty.
A focus on risk disclosure and awareness is
I want to be able to invest in anything that I feel is right for me and I don't want regulators telling me what I can invest in. I can understand all the risks and don't need someone else to monitor me.
I should be able to choose public investment that intereste not you the regulators. I shouldn't have to go through special process like a test before I can invest in public investment.