I oppose the proposed regulation. I should have the ability to invest how I see fit. I should not have to be part of the connected privileged class in order to invest in leveraged vehicles. This regulation is creating a two tiered class system which goes against all principles of this country. You should be embarrassed for even thinking such a regulation is necessary. You would be better suited
NO THANK YOU I AM AN ADULT. Just make people aware of the risk
We, not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for us and our family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.
these leveraged and inverse are important to me and should not be regulated I oppose any restrictions
Just because you are titled as "Regulators" Please do not feel obligated to write more regulations ---- to protect me the investor. So far I have missed out on some nice profits thanks to your regulations. Let brokers explain risks and investors take them. I do not want you taking opportunity away because you think you know what is best for ME. Better you should spend my paltry income
I have the right to choose any publicly traded stoke without "special" process. I use leveraged & inverse funds to manage my investment in up or down markets.
I support proposed rule #22-08. Over the past 30 years Wallstreet has banked on swindling middle America with complex investment vehicles. It needs to end.
As an educated investor I should have the ability to trade any instrument that I want just like any professional.
All, I am opposed to FINRA Rule #22-08 Please do not do this. We need the freedom to make our own investing choices. We should not be restricted or limited to what the big banks and regulators deem to there advantage. I like most investors, are knowledgeable and understand the risks involved. We need the freedom to compete in this market.