I don't appreciate the government regulating how I invest funds, especially when it relegates the more powerful tools only to the wealthy in the name of protecting the poor or middle class. These policies backfire...create a larger economic divide. Yes some people loose what they can't afford, but this kind of policy will make rich/poor gap grow, making things even worse in the long run
Government overreach is unacceptable especially when it comes to the United States of America's stock market.
Comments: The investors that use these funds understand the risk. The broker dealers list disclosures on the sights.
Restricting access to them is not necessary.
They are made to be volatile that is why we like them.
Comments: I feel that the majority of investors that have made inquiries to me about these leveraged and inverse funds do not understand the risk involved.
Citizens who believe in the United States' future as a prosperous country should be able to freely invest in leveraged and inverse portfolios. Inverse portfolio can hedge against a down market, saving investors money.
Too late to regulate after many individual losses.
To Whom it is concerned.
I oppose any further restrictions on leveraged, inverse, volatility, foreign market, or other non-traditional investment ETF, mutual fund or similar investment vehicles. As a private investor, I have the ability to read the currently required prospectuses and investment disclosures for public investments. I do not need hand holding or further government intervention or
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
I understand cryptocurrency funds are new and should be regulated for an even playing field to all investors. If interested, we can find that information of crypto investment on our own. We should not be tested for a specialized investment knowledge test. Almost all other investments are available to whomever wants to invest their money without a test
Comments: Funds of this nature do not act in a predatorial fashion. Clients are provided materials to educate themselves of the risk associated with them. It is of my opinion a restriction is not warranted, investors should have the ability to use them as fit for there investment objective.
I shouldn't have to pass some kind of test to invest in inverse funds. I am educated and capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds, their risks, and their ability to hedge my investments when used as a part of my overall portfolio strategy.
I originally used these leveraged funds in several of my watch list portfolios where they outperformed the portfolios without applying