Please stop treating investors as if they have no understanding. It is patronizing and demeaning. You should be encouraging more investment choices, not restricting them. Your agency has lost its compass. Please stop this madness.
Keep government out of our lives
We appreciate you bringing the inverse and leveraged funds to our attention. We only use them occasionally because markets are up 2/3 of the time.
For short downtrends it is often best to wait until they are over, but in longer downtrends some money can be made.
Public securities traded should not have any special requirements for investing. These are public securities, after all. The proposed
Should be able to short sticks in ira
It is not necessary to restrict my access to different products. It is all right to send information and warnings if the SEC deem certain products are not straight forward, but it is NOT correct to restrict my ability to purchase or sell such investments.
This is nothing worse than "the government knows best." Our country is founded on freedoms. "We know what is best
To whom it may concern,
As a sophisticated and educated investor, I believe that using leverage when appropriate is an important right. Limiting or taking this away significantly limits my ability to invest for my future.
I have been investing with 3X ETFs since 2010. Much of my wealth is a direct result of being able to invest using these instruments. Please dont restrict access to these for me or anyone else.
Get the [REDACTED] out of our private personal businessBIDEN/Obama get out NOW
Pro Shares are an extremely important part of my investment and trading activity. It should be my decision on what leverage I want to use to either protect my overall portfolio or enhance my returns. It is not up to you as BIG BROTHER to prevent me from trading with these useful tools.
I do not require any additional regulation to protect me from my own investment decisions. I should be able to use leveraged and inverse ETFs if I decide they are the correct investment strategy for my own goals.