To whom it may concern,
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in any public investments of all types.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public
Why would I allow regulators to tell me how to invest my own hard earned dollars? I wont! I totally understand how leveraged and inverse funds operate and i enjoy trading these funds. they are an important strategy I use in my portfolio. I am getting sick and tired of others that think they can and should control my trading strategies. There should be no outside regulations controlling me or my
I'm 68 years old and have been self-employed for most of my working life. Being self-employed means investing in various IRA, SEP, Self-Employed 401K plans, etc., which I manage myself and have for several decades. The very last thing I need is for government regulators tell me I can no longer have access to leveraged and inverse funds. These investments are a large part of my
Keep leveraged ETFs available. It should be the public's choice not a regulatory authoritys.
Just another way or the government to keep Common Man from making extra money the government should not decide what I'm going to invest in
I oppose restrictions to invest in leveraged ETFs. If there is no restriction on using Options and Futures then it should not be on leveraged ETFs also.
Comments: I believe that limiting access to leveraged ETFs would be unfair to small traders. While leverage increases risk of loss, I think taking instruments like TQQQ away from the general public does more harm than good. You can try to prevent one person from losing money, but if that also severely handicaps someone who is actually seeing returns, I am not convinced that is a net good, all
I feel that it is my right to freely access all the investments available in the markets without being regulated by any government agency.
I am not an investor but no one has the right to tell others how to use their money
Free and fair market is the foundation of the US economy. Restrictions on investment vehicles available would destroy the investors' confidence.