I would choose the freedom of non regulated investment instead of being regulated to what I can choose to do with my money.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest. Also, I oppose the government regulating my worth. Its all about tyranny which this administration has sold us out. Disgraceful!
Don't make this change. You guys already limit other [REDACTED] to accredited investors. You let the rich get richer and take away opportunities from us smaller folks
Please stop this regulation
I want to maintain your current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing. I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public
I should have the right to determine which public investments are right for me. This should not be decided for me or only limited to the select few.
I should not have to go through any special process to invest in public securities. I am capable of understanding the risks for myself.
These funds are critical to my investment strategies. They are a way to hedge my other investments, help
No one should manage my money but me. The risks of these products is spelled out clearly and carry similar risks of other unregulated or loosely regulated products. Where does babysitting consumers end? Adults need to understand consequences of their actions. If you don't understand the risks, hire a professional.
Have been in the markets for 50 years and thankfully with Direxion ETFS since inception--
find them easy to understand and use and have total confidence in the concept--has been very
good financially for our family -thank you
You have no business interfering with my investment decisions.
I see no reason for any additional regulations related to my ability to invest. We do not need #22-08!