I think it is good and reasonable move. It will help make the market less like casino. The question is how will the test be designed to make it really informative to retail investors.
While Generative AI and large language models present numerous opportunities to create business efficiencies and offer many potential benefits to firms, regulators and investors, they also introduce unique risks. On this episode, we hear from three experts at FINRA who are closely looking at these technologies and following developments in this space.
Senior ManagementInternal AuditLegal & ComplianceOperationsSystems
Executive Summary
On May 18, 1993, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a no-action letter that permits broker/dealers to use optical storage technology(OST) to comply with the records retention requirements of SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4. The letter, which was issued by the SEC Division
It's about time. The retail investor deserves access to the same information institutional investors have.
I would like for more transparency when it comes to sharing trading information, especially considering shorts.
For a fair market all short positions should be public. All information she be made public.
NASD is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" or "Commission") a proposed rule change to delay, until October 31, 2007, implementation of an amendment to Interpretive Material 2210-4 ("IM 2210-4") that is scheduled to be implemented on July 7, 2007. The recent amendment to IM-2210-4 requires an NASD member referring to its NASD membership on its
Washington, DC - The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced today that it has fined Citigroup Global Markets, UBS Securities and Deutsche Bank Securities a total of $425,000 - and ordered the firms to make payments to customers that could total $420,000 - in connection with the firms' failure to adequately supervise communications with their customers in the initial public offering (IPO) of Vonage, LLC in May 2006.
I would be opposed to banning any products. Information is readily available for anyone who seeks it. People have to take responsibility for their own decisions. You can't regulate it.
Please to not restrict the public's ability to invest in a broad array of securities. It is more important that information and risk be disclose than for an individual to be required to pass a "test" in order to invest.