Sirs: I've been investing in limited quantities of leveraged funds for the past ten years or so, and find them very useful for hedging.
Please do not make it difficult for me to invest in this manner.
Thank you.
Please don't hold my hand. I'm a grown man and I realize the consequences of my actions and don't need the nanny state to
protect me.
I am an investor that uses inverse and leveraged ETF and I oppose restrictions on my right to use these investment products.
These products are adequately explained through their prospectus.
As an investor, it is my responsibility to read and understand these documents and investors should be free to choose appropriate products for the portfolio.
Limiting these products to only high net worth
I oppose restrictions on access to Leveraged ETF
Leveraged funds are an important part of my portfolio. I strongly disagree with any regulation that makes investment in these funds difficult or prevented.
I would like to see regulators focus on criminal activity instead of pointless regulation of well understood leveraged funds.
I fully understand that, action must be done. But I do not think this is the right time to do it. We, must maintain being at the top of the capitalist world. I believe this will severely affect our progress. I encourage a deeper dive on this matter before committing something like this.
Have a great day.
Adolfo Jr. O.
Pleas let people be as free as possible to decide their own risks. Do not invade more our capabilities .
I oppose any limitations on my ability to buy public securities that are designated as complex products. I should be able to freely choose the public investments that are right for you and your family.
I should be, NOTt regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged
I oppose any limitations on my ability to buy public securities that are designated as complex products. I should be able to freely choose the public investments that are right for you and your family.