I think even the dumbest of the public is fully capable of making a decision to make a trade in a risky stock/ETF/Leveraged Fund. I love the inverses. I have used them to my advantage and would be considered no more than an average American small business owner. And more than happy to take full responsibility for my trades. We don't need more baby sitting here. Let the AMC and GME
I'm an experienced investor with a Master in Finance with a concentration in portfolio management.
Why should I not be able to trade in these products when I'm aware of the risks, understand and am willing to accept them?
I use these funds in my 401k and they allow for opportunities not available through most 401k funds offered by employer plans. The individual and not government should have the ability to decide where to invest their funds. It should not require a specific status, we all should have equal access to the publicly traded investment vehicles.
Leveraged and inverse funds are extremely important to my overall investment strategies. I understand the risks of leveraged funds and use them to capture upside in the markets. Several popular single-name stocks have proven to be even more volatile and risky than 3x leveraged funds.
Leveraged and bullish ETFs should be available to all investors, not just the very wealthy.
I would like to be able to select the investments I would like to buy and this includes inverse and leveraged funds. I have made good money utilizing them in special situations when the time calls for it.
I've been investing all my life since childhood. Forcing me to liquidate my investments at the bottom of a recession would unfairly cause me capital losses and only benefit the exclusive 1% high net worth individuals that would benefit from leveraged funds. This is not in the fiduciary interest of the average investor. I'd probably as a result get out of investing in the
It is my right to buy any stock I want and it is against the free market to limit my right! Also, I have lost since I bought my leveraged stock and I was not planning to sell it anytime soon. By selling my stock, you are forcing me to loose money in short term, which is not fair.
I, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks.