I have invested in leveraged and inverse funds for 20-odd years as a hedge against rising rates and over-priced securities. Please let me continue to do so.
Please allow investors to continue in leveraged funds, this is a way for Americans to counter the high inflation caused by economic factors and political activity.
I am strongly opposed to government interference and regulation which would significantly inhibit my ability to manage my portfolio.
I am opposed to regulation #22-08.
I should be about to make my own decisions about my investments, not regulators. Nor should I be required to take tests to prove myself. I can read & understand the notices that are provided when I choose an investment. They are plenty sufficient.
Some of the funds that are planned to be limited, like inverse funds, are critical to my investment
I use inverse ETFs on a regular basis to hedge my portfolio. I am distraught that there is consideration being given to set restrictions. Please dont put up barriers that MAY save some people from themselves that hamper the abilities if many others who want their freedoms of choice.
Please dont do this.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important tools for my investment strategies.
It's a very small portion of my overall portfolio for hedging.
Leveraged and inverse funds are similar to Options.
I think the powers that be should leave this alone. As an investor I take responsibility for my own trades and understand the nature of decay on leveraged funds. Don't establish new obstacles for investors based on their net worth and further retard their ability to make money. Yes, there is a learning curve and there is some danger, but let the investor figure it...it's part
How dare you think that we are not capable of making our own investment decisions regarding leveraged inverse funds. I have been doing so for years, and even if I hadn't, I don't need your permission to invest my money and make my risk/reward decisions. I strongly oppose having to jump through hoops you create and to get a broker's permission to invest in anything I
I use funds like FAZ, SDS, and SQQQ as portfolio insurance to mitigate the wild market gyrations we have witnessed in 2008/2009, 2020, and even right now(?). Using funds like these I can achieve strong upsides in a down market while my losses are limited to what I have invested. Instead, regulate the program selling, the short selling, the futures market where I could lose far more than my
Dear FINRA, the fundamental question you should ask is this: "Are you, as an investor, competent enough to make your own investment decisions (whether they are "complex" or otherwise)"? If one answer's this question as "Yes" then FINRA should have no further involvement. If one answers this question as "No" then FINRA, at most, should recommend sources