it is my right to buy leveraged fund
Do not regulate my ability to invest in stocks
I believe I should be able to choose the investments I want to invest in without special processes imposed by regulators. Leveraged funds are an important part of my overall investment strategy, and allow me enhanced returns for a limited portion of my portfolio.
I believe access to these funds should not be limited, but I believe an understanding of the risks associated with their purchase should be affirmed by the purchaser. I am a retired Registered Investment Adviser and use inverse and leveraged products to hedge my personal accounts. This is an inexpensive approach to hedging that does not involve options trading. But I believe the ownership of
I strongly oppose the proposed restrictions and regulations currently being considered. I believe that I should be able to choose the investments that are best for me without hinderance from government regulators. My investment in leveraged funds are an important part of my investment strategy. I should not have to pass any tests or demonstrate my understanding of leveraged funds and their risks
During the 2007-2009 financial crisis your organization put limits on selling short to protect big banks. I am certain the purpose of this regulation is to limit selling losers once again.
Stop protecting "us" and start regulating "them". Companies have bean playing in your casino for too long.
No to this regualation
I oppose this FINRA regulatory notice because as a retail investor I believe it is unfair to limit access to complex securities that allow other investors like me to build wealth and pursue alternative forms of income. This measure would discourage many from pursuing opportunities that may further develop their quality of life.
Shouldnt be regulating the retail buyers while congress is ripe with insider trading.
As an investor, I belive that it should be up to individual to determine his risk tolerance level and be allowed to use leverage as part of investment strategy, not dictated by regulators