All Investors have the right to decide which public equities, bonds and funds they want to buy.
I strongly reject this regulation, it takes away investor's freedom and post extra burden/restrictions on individual investors.
Please leave leverage ETF do not ban them Please just been using margin options and short selling and make broker dealers have their clients do a course on it to see if theyre competent enough investing in them
It would be absurd to disallow this when others would be allowed to do the same via alternate means I.e. other derivatives.
Public investments should be exactly that- public. As a non-professional investor should not have to go through special processes to invest in public securities such as leveraged or inverse funds. The market is already stacked against the small investor since we cannot access the 'instant' trades where the professionals make so much of their profits. The proposed regulation
I believe I should have the right to trade equities as I see fit. If I lose money so be it that was my choice and I am responsible for my choices and their outcomes. However, I do not believe that someone has the right to determine what is in my best interest and restrict said trading on my behalf. I have a degree in economics and have the skills required to make those choices myself. If I were
Restricting trading strategies is fundamentally unfair. There is no legitimate reason to restrict leveraged or inverse funds. Investors always must assume the risks of their investment choices. Unsophisticated investors may not understand systemic risks, but it does not mean investors should be entirely prohibited from investing altogether.
I should be able to choose what public investments I can make without interference. Inverse funds have been a very important part of my investment strategy and no restrictions or limitations should be imposed on my ability to use these investment tools.
Everyone should be able to invest in all types of investment products. Freedom to make our own choices.
I don't need a babysitter controlling my investment decisions. Let me think for myself.