I have learned of your proposed new restrictions on my ability to purchase leveraged ETF shares. This is a mistake. I need to be able easily to use that kind of vehicle. I have used those for years without any problem. When the tape has gone against me I have had no problem accepting responsibility for those losses. I do not need to be protected by the government. Thank you.
Do not allow this to happen, we all have a right to invest and educate ourselves. We dont all have the means of higher education!
There is no need to start regulating leveraged ETF's. Each and every person should be able to trade what they want at their own risk.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest!!!!
I have held these type of investments in my portfolio for many years.These funds are a limited percentage of my portfolio. However, they have enhanced my bottom line significantly. Regulators have absolutely no business restricting me on my investment decisions. What makes you think that you can make better financial decisions than I can? Further, I make all of my own investment choices and
I have been using leveraged funds for years. People should have the freedom to choose their investment vehicles. Risks are on their shoulders. You learn from both good and bad experiences when investing. Please don't limit the options available to the every day investor.
ProShares ETFs have provided me a simple mechanism to hedge some assets to my best expectation of market behavior. In the 3 years Ive used them they have accurately tracked what they are supposed to, and Ive been able to make adjustments as needed. There are far more complicated and risky choices that I would take if these werent available. Please dont limit my access to these in the effort to
Comments: I regularly trade inverse funds. I don't find them "complex" at all. Inverse funds are short which ever index they cover and go up when that index goes down. As I am a very small trader it is the safest and easiest way to short the market. If you take this away from me I will have to short individual stocks which is much more risky due to factors involved
It is unfair to take away these investment products from retail investors and traders while the institutions enjoy the access to plethora of information and sophisticated tools and algorithms to profit from the market.
Anyone that has a brokerage account should be able to buy and sell any public traded stock or etf. It is up to the investor to evaluate the risk not up to regulatory groups. Please continue to allow personal trading as a person sees fit to do for their own situations.