RECEIVING FIRM ......................................
CARRYING FIRM ..............................................
ACCOUNT NUMBER .................................
ACCOUNT NUMBER ........................................
ACCOUNT TITLE .........................................................................................................................
ACCOUNT TYPE ........................ (I = IRA, Q = QUALIFIED)
TAX ID OR SS NUMBER ............................................................................................................
TO .............................................................................................................................................
(Prior Custodian/Trustee Name, Address and Tax ID Number)
You are the custodian/trustee for my retirement plan securities account with
(Carrying Firm Name and Address)
as my broker. Please be advised that I have amended my retirement plan and have adopted a new retirement plan with the below indicated as successor custodian/trustee and
| broker
(Receiving Firm Name and Address)
Pursuant to said amendment, please transfer all assets in my securities account to such successor custodian/trustee. I understand that to the extent any assets in my account are not readily transferable, with or without penalties, such assets may not be transferred within the time frames required by Rule 11870 of the Association's Uniform Practice Code.
I understand that the above indicated carrying firm will contact me with respect to the disposition of any assets in my account that are nontransferable. I authorize you to deduct any outstanding fees due you from the credit balance in my account. If my account does not contain a credit balance, or if the credit balance in the account is insufficient to satisfy any outstanding fees due you, I authorize you to liquidate the assets in my account to the extent necessary to satisfy any outstanding fees due you. If certificates or other instruments in my account are in your physical possession, I instruct you to transfer them in good deliverable form, including affixing any necessary tax waivers, to enable the successor custodian/trustee to transfer them in its name for the purpose of sale, when and as directed by me. Upon receiving a copy of this transfer instruction, the carrying firm will cancel all open orders for my account on its books.
(Customer's Signature)
Please be advised that .................................................................................................................
(Successor Custodian/Trustee Name, Address and Tax ID Number)
will accept the above captioned account as successor custodian/trustee.
Please send all checks to
.....................................................................................................and non-DTC eligible items to
(Successor Custodian/Trustee Authorized Signature)
(Tax ID Number)
(Date of Trust)
[It is suggested that a copy of the customer's most recent account statement be attached.]
Receiving Firm Contact:
Name ......................................
Phone Number ...............................................
For Broker Use Only:
Mutual Fund Registration Instructions:
Registration Name ......................................................................................................................
Address .....................................................................................................................................
Tax ID # .....................................................................................................................................
Dividend and Capital Gains Options:
Reinvest ( )
Dividend Cash/Capital Gains Reinvest ( )
All Cash ( )
Deposit to New Plan ( )
Issue Certificate ( )
Deposit to Existing Plan ...... ( )
Broker Instructions (if broker agreement exists):
Name ..........................................................................................................................................
Address ......................................................................................................................................
RR Name/Number/Branch ............................................................................................................