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11892. Clearly Erroneous Transactions in Exchange-Listed Securities

(a) Procedures for Reviewing Transactions
(1) An Executive Vice President of FINRA's Market Regulation Department or Transparency Services Department, or any officer designated by such Executive Vice President (FINRA officer), may, on his or her own motion, review any over-the-counter transaction involving an exchange-listed security arising out of or reported through a trade reporting system owned or operated by FINRA or FINRA Regulation and authorized by the Commission, provided that the transaction meets the thresholds set forth in paragraph (b), except as provided for in paragraphs (c) and (d) below. A FINRA officer acting pursuant to this subparagraph may declare any such transaction null and void if the officer determines that (A) the transaction is clearly erroneous, or (B) such actions are necessary for the maintenance of a fair and orderly market or the protection of investors and the public interest, consistent with the thresholds set forth in paragraph (b), except as provided for in paragraphs (c) and (d) below. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the officer shall take action pursuant to this paragraph generally within 30 minutes after becoming aware of the transaction. When extraordinary circumstances exist, any such action of the officer must be taken no later than the start of trading on the day following the date of execution(s) under review.
(2) If a FINRA officer acting pursuant to this Rule declares any transaction null and void, each party involved in the transaction shall be notified as soon as practicable by FINRA, and the party aggrieved by the action may appeal such action in accordance with Rule 11894, unless the officer making the determination also determines that the number of the affected transactions is such that immediate finality is necessary to maintain a fair and orderly market and to protect investors and the public interest, and further provided that rulings made by FINRA in conjunction with one or more other self-regulatory organizations are not appealable.
(b) Thresholds
Determinations of a clearly erroneous execution pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) will be made as follows:
(1) Numerical Guidelines
Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) below, a transaction shall be found to be clearly erroneous if the price of the transaction is away from the Reference Price by an amount that equals or exceeds the Numerical Guidelines set forth below. The Reference Price will be equal to the consolidated last sale immediately prior to the execution(s) under review except for: (A) Multi-Stock Events involving twenty or more securities, as described in paragraph (b)(2) below and (B) in other circumstances, such as, for example, relevant news impacting a security or securities, periods of extreme market volatility, sustained illiquidity, or widespread system issues, where use of a different Reference Price is necessary for the maintenance of a fair and orderly market and the protection of investors and the public interest.
Reference Price:
Circumstance or Product
Normal Market Hours
(9:30 a.m. Eastern Time
to 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Time) Numerical
Guidelines (Subject
transaction's %
difference from the
Reference Price):
Outside Normal Market
Hours Numerical
Guidelines (Subject
transaction's %
difference from the
Reference Price):
Greater than $0.00 up to
and including $25.00
10% 20%
Greater than $25.00 up to
and including $50.00
5% 10%
Greater than $50.00 3% 6%
Multi-Stock Event —
Events involving five or
more, but less than twenty, securities
whose executions occurred within a
period of five minutes or less
10% 10%
Multi-Stock Event —
Events involving twenty or
more securities whose executions
occurred within a period of five
minutes or less
30%, subject to the terms
of paragraph (b)(2)
30%, subject to the terms
of paragraph (b)(2) below
Leveraged ETF/ETN securities Normal Market Hours
Numerical Guidelines
multiplied by the leverage
multiplier (i.e. 2x)
Normal Market Hours
Numerical Guidelines
multiplied by the leverage
multiplier (i.e. 2x)
(2) Multi-Stock Events Involving Twenty or More Securities
During Multi-Stock Events involving twenty or more securities, the number of affected transactions may be such that immediate finality is necessary to maintain a fair and orderly market and to protect investors and the public interest. In such circumstances, FINRA may use a Reference Price other than the consolidated last sale. To ensure consistent application across the markets when this paragraph is invoked, FINRA will promptly coordinate with other self-regulatory organizations to determine the appropriate review period, which may be greater than the period of five minutes or less that triggered application of this paragraph, as well as select one or more specific points in time prior to the transactions in question and use transaction prices at or immediately prior to the one or more specific points in time selected as the Reference Price. FINRA will nullify as clearly erroneous all transactions that are at prices equal to or greater than 30% away from the Reference Price in each affected security during the review period selected by FINRA and the other self-regulatory organizations consistent with this paragraph.
(3) Additional Factors
Except in the context of a Multi-Stock Event involving five or more securities, a FINRA officer may also consider additional factors to determine whether a transaction is clearly erroneous, including but not limited to, system malfunctions or disruptions; volume and volatility for the security; derivative securities products that correspond to greater than 100% in the direction of a tracking index; news released for the security; whether trading in the security was recently halted/resumed; whether the security is an IPO; whether the security was subject to a stock-split, reorganization, or other corporate action; overall market conditions; Opening and Late Session executions; validity of the consolidated tapes' trades and quotes; consideration of primary market indications; and executions inconsistent with the trading pattern in the stock. Each additional factor shall be considered with a view toward maintaining a fair and orderly market and the protection of investors and the public interest.
(c) Multi-day Events
A series of transactions in a particular security on one or more trading days may be viewed as one event if all such transactions were effected based on the same fundamentally incorrect or grossly misinterpreted issuance information resulting in a severe valuation error for all such transactions (the "Event"). A FINRA officer, acting on his or her own motion, shall take action to declare all transactions that occurred during the Event null and void not later than the start of trading on the day following the last transaction in the Event. If trading in the security is halted before the valuation error is corrected, a FINRA officer shall take action to declare all transactions that occurred during the Event null and void prior to the resumption of trading. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no action can be taken pursuant to this paragraph with respect to any transactions that have reached settlement date or that result from an initial public offering of a security. To the extent transactions related to an Event occur on one or more other self-regulatory organization, FINRA will promptly coordinate with such other self-regulatory organization(s) to ensure consistent treatment of the transactions related to the Event, if practicable. Any action taken in connection with this paragraph will be taken without regard to the Numerical Guidelines set forth in this Rule. FINRA will notify each member involved in a transaction subject to this paragraph as soon as practicable of a determination to declare such transaction null and void, and the party aggrieved by the action may appeal such action in accordance with Rule 11894.
(d) Transactions Occurring During Trading Halts
In the event of any disruption or malfunction in the operation of the electronic communications and trading facilities of a self-regulatory organization or responsible single plan processor in connection with the transmittal or receipt of a regulatory trading halt, suspension or pause, a FINRA officer, acting on his or her own motion, shall declare as null and void any transaction in a security that occurs after the primary listing market for such security declares a regulatory trading halt, suspension or pause with respect to such security and before such regulatory trading halt, suspension or pause with respect to such security has officially ended according to the primary listing market. In addition, in the event a regulatory trading halt, suspension or pause is declared, then prematurely lifted in error and is then re-instituted, a FINRA officer also shall declare as null and void transactions that occur before the official, final end of the regulatory halt, suspension or pause according to the primary listing market. Any action taken in connection with this paragraph shall be taken in a timely fashion, generally within thirty (30) minutes of the detection of the erroneous transaction and in no circumstances later than the start of normal market hours on the trading day following the date of the execution(s) under review. Any action taken in connection with this paragraph will be taken without regard to the Numerical Guidelines set forth in this Rule. FINRA will notify each member involved in a transaction subject to this paragraph as soon as practicable of a determination to declare such transaction(s) null and void, and the party aggrieved by the action may appeal such action in accordance with Rule 11894.

• • • Supplementary Material: ------------------

.01 Determinations by a National Securities Exchange to Nullify and Void the Terms of One or More Transactions in an Exchange-Listed Security When There Are Corresponding or Related Transactions Reported Through a FINRA System.

FINRA believes that coordinating with other self-regulatory organizations with the goal of having consistency and transparency regarding the clearly erroneous process is important to the marketplace and to investors. Consequently, for OTC transactions in exchange-listed securities that are reported to a FINRA system, such as a FINRA Trade Reporting Facility (“TRF”) or Alternative Display Facility (“ADF”), FINRA will generally follow the determination of a national securities exchange to break a trade(s) when that national securities exchange has broken a trade(s) at or near the price range in question at or near the time in question (in FINRA staff's sole discretion) such that FINRA breaking such trade(s) would be consistent with market integrity and investor protection. In such a case where multiple national securities exchanges have related trades, FINRA will leave a trade(s) unbroken when any of those national securities exchanges has left a trade(s) unbroken at or near the price range in question at or near the time in question (in FINRA staff's sole discretion) such that FINRA breaking such trade(s) would be inconsistent with market integrity and investor protection.

.02 The amendments set forth in File Nos. SR-FINRA-2010-032 and SR-FINRA-2014-021, and the provisions of Supplementary Material .03 of this Rule shall be in effect during a pilot period that expires at the close of business on October 20, 2020. If the pilot period is not extended or approved as permanent, the version of this Rule prior to SR-FINRA-2010-032 shall be in effect, and the amendments set forth in File No. SR-FINRA-2014-021 and the provisions of Supplementary Material .03 of this Rule shall be null and void.

.03 Securities Subject to Limit Up-Limit Down Plan. For purposes of this Supplementary Material .03, the phrase "Limit Up-Limit Down Plan" or "Plan" shall mean the Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility Pursuant to Rule 608 of SEC Regulation NMS.

(a) The provisions of Rule 11892 paragraphs (a) through (d) and Supplementary Material .01 above shall govern all over-the-counter transactions in exchange-listed securities reported to a FINRA system, such as a FINRA TRF or ADF, including transactions in securities subject to the Plan, other than as set forth below.
(b) If as a result of a member's technology or systems issue any transaction reported to a FINRA system, such as a FINRA TRF or ADF, occurs outside of the applicable price bands disseminated pursuant to the Plan, a FINRA officer, acting on his or her own motion or at the request of a member, shall review and deem such transaction clearly erroneous, subject to the certification requirement of paragraph (c) below. Absent extraordinary circumstances, any such action of the FINRA officer shall be taken in a timely fashion, generally within thirty (30) minutes of the detection of the erroneous transaction. When extraordinary circumstances exist, any such action of the FINRA officer must be taken by no later than the start of normal market hours on the trading day following the date on which the execution(s) under review occurred. Each member involved in the transaction shall be notified as soon as practicable by FINRA, and a member aggrieved by the action may appeal such action in accordance with Rule 11894. In the event that a single plan processor experiences a technology or systems issue that prevents the dissemination of price bands, FINRA will make the determination of whether to deem transactions clearly erroneous based on Rule 11892 paragraphs (a) through (d) and Supplementary Material .01 above.
(c) A member requesting review of a transaction pursuant to the above paragraph must certify, in the manner and form prescribed by FINRA, that the subject transaction(s) occurring outside of the applicable price bands disseminated pursuant to the Plan is the result of the member's bona fide technological or systems issue.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2020-008 eff. April 17, 2020.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2019-025 eff. Oct. 10, 2019.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2019-011 eff. April 9, 2019.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2015-034 eff. Dec. 20, 2015.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2014-021 eff. June 19, 2014.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2014-013 eff. Mar. 19, 2014.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-041 eff. Sept. 24, 2013.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-012 eff. Jan. 30, 2013.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2012-038 eff. July 23, 2012.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2012-005 eff. Jan. 24, 2012.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2011-039 eff. Aug. 10, 2011.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2011-037 eff. Aug. 5, 2011.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2011-014 eff. Mar. 30, 2011.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-065 eff. Dec. 8, 2010.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-032 eff. Sept. 10, 2010.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2009-068 eff. Feb. 15, 2010.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-037 eff. July 8, 2008.
Amended by SR-NASD-2006-104 eff. March 5, 2007.
Amended by SR-NASD-2006-121 eff. Oct. 30, 2006.
Amended by SR-NASD-2005-087 eff. Aug. 1, 2006
Amended by SR-NASD-2006-033 eff. Mar. 1, 2006.
Amended by SR-NASD-2005-089 eff. Oct. 1, 2005.
Amended by SR-NASD-2005-115 eff. Sep. 22, 2005.
Amended by SR-NASD-2004-009 eff. July 27, 2005.
Amended by SR-NASD-2003-125 eff. Aug. 8, 2003.
Amended by SR-NASD-2002-127 eff. Jan. 22, 2003.
Amended by SR-NASD-98-85 eff. Oct. 11, 1999.
Amended by SR-NASD-98-94 eff. April 26, 1999.
Amended by SR-NASD-96-51 eff. Feb. 23, 1998.
Amended June 21, 1991; May 21, 1993.
Adopted eff. Apr. 2, 1990.

Selected Notices: 98-21, 99-29, 00-10, 03-11, 10-04, 10-43, 16-04.