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FINRA publishes Notices to provide firms with timely information on a variety of issues.  To obtain a Notice published prior to 1995, please contact FINRA MediaSource at (240) 386-4200.

Publication Date Title Description
Regulatory Notice 15-02
SEC Approves Amendments to FINRA Rule 2310 and NASD Rule 2340 to Address Values of Direct Participation Program and Unlisted Real Estate Investment Trust Securities
Effective Date: April 11, 2016
Regulatory Notice 15-01
Final Renewal Statements for Broker-Dealers, Investment Adviser Firms, Agents and Investment Adviser Representatives, and Branches
Payment Deadline: January 16, 2015
Information Notice - 12/30/14
Annual Audit; FOCUS; Form Custody; Supplemental Statement of Income (SSOI); Supplemental Schedule for Derivatives and Other Off-Balance Sheet Items (OBS); and Supplemental Inventory Schedule (SIS)
Information Notice – 12/23/14
2015 Holiday Trade Date, Settlement Date and Margin Extensions Schedule
Regulatory Notice 14-54
FINRA Reminds Firms of Extended Hours Trading Disclosures
Election Notice - 12/5/14
FINRA Announces Results of SFAB, NAC and District Committee Elections
Information Notice - 11/25/14
FINRA Reminds Firms of November 25, 2014 Exercise Cut-Off Time for Weekly Options Expiring on the Friday After Thanksgiving
Regulatory Notice 14-53
FINRA Reminds Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) and ATS Subscribers of Their Trade Reporting Obligations in TRACE-Eligible Securities
Regulatory Notice 14-52
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposed Rule Requiring Confirmation Disclosure of Pricing Information in Fixed Income Securities Transactions
Comment Period Expires: January 20, 2015
Regulatory Notice 14-51
Rules Requiring the Identification of Non-Member Broker-Dealers in Order Audit Trail System (OATS) Reports and the Reporting of Additional Order Information by Alternative Trading Systems (ATS)
Comment Period Expires: January 13, 2015

The comment period has been extended to February 20, 2015.

Regulatory Notice 14-50
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposal to Establish a "Pay-to-Play" Rule
Comment Period Expires: December 15, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-49
SEC Approves Amendments to the Codes of Arbitration Procedure to Increase Arbitrator Honoraria by Increasing Arbitration Filing Fees, Member Surcharges and Process Fees and Hearing Session Fees
Effective Date: December 15, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-48
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposal to Publish OTC Equity Volume Executed Outside Alternative Trading Systems
Comment Period Expires: Friday, January 9, 2015*

The comment period has been extended to February 20, 2015.

Regulatory Notice 14-47
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposal to Tighten Business Clock Synchronization Requirements
Comment Period Expires: Friday, January 9, 2015*

The comment period has been extended to February 20, 2015.

Regulatory Notice 14-46
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposal to Identify OTC Equity Trades Reported More Than Two Seconds After Execution as "Out of Sequence" and Not Last Sale Eligible
Comment Period Expires: Friday, January 9, 2015*

The comment period has been extended to February 20, 2015.

Regulatory Notice 14-45
SEC Approves Amendments to FINRA Rules 9231 and 9232 to Add a Category of Persons Eligible to Serve as Panelists in Disciplinary Proceedings
Effective Date: September 26, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-44
Broker-Dealer, Investment Adviser Firm, Agent and Investment Adviser Representative, and Branch Renewals for 2015
Payment Deadline: December 12, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-43
SEC Approves Supplemental Inventory Schedule
Implementation Date: on or before January 30, 2015
Regulatory Notice 14-42
SEC Approves Amendments to the Arbitration Codes to Expand Arbitrators' Authority to Make Referrals During an Arbitration Proceeding
Effective Date: October 27, 2014
Election Notice - 10/15/14
Notice of FINRA District Committee Elections and Ballots
Ballots Due: November 14, 2014
Election Notice - 10/15/14
Notice of SFAB Election and Ballots
Ballots Due: November 14, 2014
Election Notice - 10/15/14
Notice of Election and Ballots for FINRA Small Firm NAC Member Seat
Ballots Due: November 14, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-41
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update
Information Notice - 10/10/14
Continuing Education Planning
Regulatory Notice 14-40
Confidentiality Provisions in Settlement Agreements and the Arbitration Discovery Process
Regulatory Notice 14-39
New Template Available on FINRA Firm Gateway for Compliance With SEA Rule 17a-5(f)(2) (Statement Regarding Independent Public Accountant)
Information Notice 10/7/14
Extension of Current Rate for Fees Paid Under Section 31 of the Exchange Act
Regulatory Notice 14-38
FINRA Announces Updates of the Interpretations of Financial and Operational Rules
Regulatory Notice 14-37
FINRA Requests Comment on a Rule Proposal to Implement the Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System
Comment Period Expires: December 1, 2014
Information Notice - 9/25/14
Individual Snapshot Reports Now Available Online
Regulatory Notice 14-36
FINRA Announces Elimination of OTC Bulletin Board Historical Research Reports
Fees for ORF Trade Reporting and Data; Effective Dates: September 30, 2014 (Elimination of OTCBB Historical Research Reports); November 17, 2014 (ORF Fees)
Regulatory Notice 14-35
FINRA Requests Comment on a Revised Proposal to Adopt Consolidated FINRA Rule 2231 (Customer Account Statements)
Comment Period Expires: October 31, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-35
FINRA Requests Comment on a Revised Proposal to Adopt Consolidated FINRA Rule 2231 (Customer Account Statements)
Comment Period Expires: October 31, 2014
Election Notice - 9/3/14
FINRA Small Firm Advisory Board Election
Nomination Deadline: October 3, 2014
Election Notice - 9/3/14
Upcoming Election to Fill FINRA District Committee Vacancies
Nomination Deadline: October 3, 2014

This Election Notice was updated on 9/4/14 to include an additional partial term vacancy for District 5.

Regulatory Notice 14-34
SEC Approves Amendments to Disseminate Additional Asset-Backed Securities Transactions and to Reduce the Reporting Time for Such Transactions
Effective Date: April 27, 2015*

3/3/15: The effective date has been extended from April 27, 2015, to June 1, 2015.

Regulatory Notice 14-33
FINRA Revises the Series 24 and 23 Examination Programs
Implementation Date: October 13, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-32
FINRA Amends FINRA Rule 9120 and the Definition of "Hearing Officer"
Implementation Date: August 12, 2014
Election Notice - 8/1/14
FINRA Announces Nomination Process to Fill Upcoming Vacancies on the National Adjudicatory Council
Petitions for Candidacy Due: September 15, 2014
Regulatory Notice 14-31
SEC Approves FINRA Rule 2081 Regarding Prohibited Conditions Relating to Expungement of Customer Dispute Information
Effective Date: July 30, 2014
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