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FINRA publishes Notices to provide firms with timely information on a variety of issues.  To obtain a Notice published prior to 1995, please contact FINRA MediaSource at (240) 386-4200.

Publication Date Title Description
Regulatory Notice 08-56
FINRA Announces the Publication of Consolidated Interpretations of SEC Rules Governing Financial Responsibility, Customer Protection and Books and Records
Regulatory Notice 08-55
FINRA Requests Comment on Proposed Research Registration and Conflict of Interest Rules Comment Period Expired: November 14, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-54
Guidance on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies
Election Notice - 10/10/08
Election Notice - 10/10/08
Regulatory Notice 08-53
FINRA Revises the Effective Date to Collect and Process Certain CRD Numbers in Connection with Regulation T and SEC Rule 15c3-3 Extensions of Time Requests Effective Date: April 1, 2009
Information Notice - 10/6/08
Effective Dates of New Consolidated Rules; Introduction of Rule Conversion Chart
Regulatory Notice 08-52
SEC Approves Amendments to Eliminate Yield Reporting to TRACE and FINRA Will Disseminate Standard Yield in Real-Time TRACE Data
This Notice was updated to add new endnote 6.
Regulatory Notice 08-51
SEC Approves Amendments to FINRA's Transaction Reporting Rules to Require Prompt Last Sale Reporting of Transactions in Foreign Securities Effective Date: October 27, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-50
Procedures for Submitting Written Attestation of Bona Fide Market Making Relating to Fail-to-Deliver Positions
Please note that under the requirements of the SEC's interim final temporary rule, a market maker is no longer required to attest in writing that the fail to deliver position at issue was established solely for the purpose of meeting its bona fide market making obligations. However, as with any exception, a broker-dealer would have to evidence eligibility for, and compliance with, the requirements of this exception. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 58773 (October 14, 2008) at fn 84.
Regulatory Notice 08-49
FINRA Announces Effective Date for Expansion of NASD IM-2110-2 to OTC Equity Securities and Revised Minimum Price-Improvement Standards in IM-2110-2 Effective Date: November 11, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-48
Special Allowance to Permit Bulk Exchanges of Shares of Certain Reserve Funds
Regulatory Notice 08-47
Changes to Customer Complaint Reporting Procedures Under NASD Rule 3070(c) and NYSE Rule 351(d)
Effective Date: October 1, 2008
Information Notice - 9/15/08
Loose-Leaf FINRA Manual Subscription
Regulatory Notice 08-46
Interpretive Guidance on Capital Treatment of Introducing Broker-Dealers' Clearing Deposits
Information Notice - 8/26/08
June 2008 Supplement to the Options Disclosure Document
Election Notice - 8/26/08
Nominee for Vacant FINRA Board of Governors Small Firm Seat
Regulatory Notice 08-45
FINRA to Deduct All Delinquent Arbitration and Mediation Fees from CRD Accounts
Effective Date: September 22, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-44
SEC Approves a Proposed Rule Change to Amend the Chairperson Eligibility Requirements in the Arbitration Codes for Customer and Industry Disputes
Effective Date: September 22, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-43
SEC Approves Expanding Disseminated Real-Time TRACE Data
Effective Date: November 3, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-42
Guidance on Transactions in TRACE-Eligible Securities Under SEC Rule 144
Trade Reporting Notice - 8/14/08
Trade Reporting Frequently Asked Questions
Regulatory Notice 08-40
Technology Changes for Reporting Certain Complaint and Disclosure Information
Effective Date: October 20, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-39
FINRA Requests Comments on Proposed New Rules Governing Communications About Variable Insurance Products
Comment Period Expires: September 30, 2008
Trade Reporting Notice - 7/28/08
FINRA Extends Effective Date of Modifications to the TRACE System to November 3, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-38
FINRA Provides Clarification on SEC Guidance Regarding Emergency Orders Concerning Short Selling
Regulatory Notice 08-37
FINRA Reminds Firms that the Trading Activity Fee Is Assessed on Exchange-Listed Options Transactions when FINRA Is the DOEA
Regulatory Notice 08-36
SEC Approves Amendments to Expand the Scope of NASD Rule 2440 and IM-2440-1 to All Securities Transactions Effective Date: June 13, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-35
SEC Approves Amendments to NASD Rule 2810 (Direct Participation Programs)
Effective Date: August 6, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-34
SEC Approves Amendments to the Rule 9700 Series to Streamline Existing Procedural Rules Applicable to General Grievances Related to FINRA Automated Systems Effective Date: August 1, 2008
Trade Reporting Notice - 7/1/08
FINRA Announces the Effective Date of Modifications to the TRACE System
Effective Date: August 4, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-33
SEC Announces Approval of Amendment to FINRA's MRVP to Include Violations of Options Position and Exercise Limits and Contrary Exercise Advice Procedures Effective Date: June 6, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-32
FINRA Consolidates the Collection and Processing of Regulation T and SEC Rule 15c3-3 Extension of Time Requests
Effective Date: November 17, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-31
SEC Approves Exemption from the Requirements in NASD IM-2110-2 and NASD Rule 2111 for Certain Regulation NMS-Compliant Intermarket Sweep Orders Effective Date: May 6, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-30
Guidance Relating to Illiquid Investments
Information Notice - 6/9/08
Continuing Education Planning
Regulatory Notice 08-29
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update
Regulatory Notice 08-28
SEC Approves Amendments to Eliminate the Requirement for the Senior Registered and Compliance Registered Options Principals (SROP and CROP)
Effective Date: June 23, 2008
Regulatory Notice 08-27
The Obligation of Firms When Supervising their Registered Representatives' Use of Marketing Materials to Establish Expertise
Information Notice - 5/15/08
April 2008 Supplement to the Options Disclosure Document
Regulatory Notice 08-26
Proposed Consolidated FINRA Rule Addressing Investor Education and Protection
Comment Period Expires: June 13, 2008
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