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Tom Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


Please explain to us why 50-70% of all retail transactions are going through the dark pools for AMC and GME every single day. As new investors we would like to understand how the blatant price manipulation, and lack of price discovery is considered legal by FINRA and other the other regulatory bodies. From what I have read this was not what the intended use of dark pools was for. I believe if dark pools were paused for just 1 month we'd see the true value of many stocks come to light. From our standpoint, it seems as if the entire system is rigged to make the 1% even more money. Not only are you losing trust with an entire generation of Americans, but you're allowing the US market to become the laughing stock of the world. Every day that the governing bodies allow this fraudulent activity to continue to go on you lose more and more credibility.