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Zach Stout Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Zach Stout

I strongly oppose regulators determining which investments are the correct ones for me and my family.

Our industry needs to focus more time and effort on educating the general public and engaging with younger demographics K-12 students to help develop financial literacy programs at a younger age.

Investments should be available to everyone, not just the wealthy or privileged. If regulators are worried about a lack of understanding around certain Investment vehicles, then perhaps it would be a better use of time and money to develop educational programs in partnership with the department of education, to help bridge that gap at a younger age.

Making it more difficult for individuals AND investors to access certain investments is not the answer. We need to encourage personal responsibility, education and provide better access to investment curriculum at an earlier age to develop responsible investment behavior and stronger financial literacy. Investment banks packaging up collateralized debt obligations and selling default swaps on them is what crippled the global economy in 2008, not Target Date Funds, BDCs, Crypto, or Leveraged ETFs.

I strongly oppose this proposed rule, both personally and professionally. Ive worked in the financial services industry for nearly 16 years, and strongly feel this proposed rule change over reaches and creates a barrier of entry to important and beneficial investment vehicles for investors.