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Yuichiro Nagai Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Yuichiro Nagai

I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHTS TO INVEST. Unequally applied regulations/laws, as well as attacks on Freedom of Speech/Religion/Gathering are unlawful/unconstitutional and need to be thoroughly examined and disciplined according to the law/constitution. "Regulators" are not the law or above it and need to be held accountable to do their jobs. Go after true corruption at it's root. Start with Insider Trading within the Political and Executive class. Stop trying to pretend you're working by creating barriers that only effect ordinary citizens and small/mid sized businesses yet allow the Elite to do whatever they please with no consequences. Bottom line, if the Elite can do it, ordinary citizens can do it as well. So if you want to regulate anything, including Leveraged/Inverse fund investments make a transparent case in public, and when applied, make sure it applies to ALL then maybe we could take you seriously. Its so obvious that the game is rigged its pathetic. It's clear to see, and can be proven. The only thing shielding you is the system of corrupt politicians and judges. Justice should be blind, but the people arent, and neither is kind. Get your priorities in order and do your jobs.